Spis treści

Polskiego Towarzystwa Tribologicznego

Member of the International Tribology Council  

Publikacja dofinasowana przez Komitet Badań Naukowych  

Szanowni Koledzy

Każda Organizacja w tym i PTT, aby mogła funkcjonować musi mieć zebrane składki od swoich członków. W naszej działalności zaniedbaliśmy trochę ten problem i z tego tytułu mieliśmy na końcu ubiegłego roku trudności w wypłaceniu niektórych należności.
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ul. Nowogrodzka 50,
00-693 Warszawa,
składek za ten rok i lata poprzednie (jeżeli składki nie były zapłacone).
Składka roczna wynosi 30 zł.

Nasz adres:

Polskie Towarzystwo/Tribologiczne (PTT)
Ul. Żwirki i Wigury 31, 02-091 Warszawa

Bardzo prosimy o nadsyłanie informacji o doktoratach, habilitacjach i innych dokonaniach w zakresie tribologii celem zamieszczenia ich w Biuletynie Towarzystwa.
Wielkość pliku, w zasadzie ok. 1 strony, w formacie doc Microsoft Word lub pdf albo html z rysunkami zawartymi w tekście.

Serdecznie Wszystkich Naszych Członków pozdrawiam. Stanisław PYTKO-prezes

PTT: Zebrania Zarządu Głównego

Następne Zebranie Zarządu PTT odbędzie się 26 czerwca 2003 roku o godzinie 1130 w Centralnym Laboratorium Naftowym, al. Żwirki i Wigury 31. Warszawa.

PTT: Uchwały Zarządu Głównego

Spis Treści :

XXVI Szkoły Tribologiczna

VI Konferencja


Konferencja odbędzie się w Niedzicy, w dniach 16-19 września 2003r.


XXVI Szkoła Tribologiczna nt.: Problemy Tribologiczne w Przyrodzie i Technice została połączona z VI Konferencją nt.: Problemy Niekonwencjonalnych Układów Łożyskowych. Każda z tych konferencji będzie miała odrębne sesje.

Konferencja odbędzie się w Ośrodku Hotelowo - Turystycznym nad jeziorem Czorsztyńskim w Niedzicy, w dniach 16 - 19 września 2003.

W ramach przygotowywanej konferencji organizatorzy pragną połączyć tematykę wynikającą z biotribologii z projektami, aplikacjami, problemami eksploatacyjnymi, badaniami modelowymi i użytkowymi węzłów tribologicznych obiektów technicznych. Dla pełnej realizacji zamierzonego celu pragniemy zwrócić się do wybranych specjalistów o opracowanie referatów wprowadzających poszczególne sesje.

Przewidujemy referaty o tematyce:
biotribologia i aplikacje medyczne,
nowoczesne materiały,
problemy technologiczne,
konstrukcje przyjazne dla środowiska,
badania modelowe i użytkowe,
kierunki badań w przyszłości.


15.02.2003     Termin nadsyłania zgłoszenia wstępnego i streszczenia referatów (maksymalnie jedna strona formatu A4). Adres e-mail.

28.02.2003     Drugi komunikat powiadamiający o przyjęciu referatu, wytyczne do opracowania referatu.

23.05.2003     Termin nadsyłania pełnego tekstu referatu. Referaty mogą być napisane w języku polskim lub angielskim. W przypadku opracowania tekstu w języku angielskim niezbędne jest dołączenie obszernego streszczenia w języku polskim. Referaty opracowane w języku polskim powinny zawierać streszczenia w języku angielskim i rosyjskim. Przewiduje się drukowanie nadesłanych referatów w Materiałach Konferencyjnych, Tribologii, Zeszytach Naukowych Politechniki Łódzkiej i kwartalniku ZEM.

20.06.2003     Ostateczny termin nadsyłania poprawionego tekstu referatu.

16.09.2003     XXVI Szkoła Tribologiczna

Koszt uczestnictwa wynosi:
wpłata do 17 maja
-    1100 zł. - pełny koszt uczestnictwa
-     900 zł. - koszt uczestnictwa dla studentów i emerytowanych pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych
wpłata po 17 maja
-    1300 zł. - pełny koszt uczestnictwa
-    1000 zł. - koszt uczestnictwa dla studentów i emerytowanych pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych

20.06.2003 Nieprzekraczalny termin nadsyłania opłat za uczestnictwo w konferencji.


Zakład Geometrii Wykreślnej i Rysunku Technicznego
Instytutu Konstrukcji Maszyn Politechniki Łódzkiej
ul. B. Stefanowskiego 1/15
90-924 Łódź
tel. (042) 631 22 49
fax (042) 631 22 52
e-mail: zgwirt@mail.p.lodz.pl

Komitet Honorowy Konferencji:

prof. Jan Krysiński - Politechnika Łódzka
prof. Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
prof. Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
prof. Stanisław Pytko - AGH Kraków
prof. Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Politechnika Poznańska

Komitet Organizacyjny Konferencji:

Przewodniczący - Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
Radosław Bednarek - Politechnika Łódzka
Mirosława Ciepielewska - Politechnika Łódzka
Krzysztof Siczek - Politechnika Łódzka
Anna Sławińska - Politechnika Łódzka
Bogdan Warda - Politechnika Łódzka
Piotr Witosławski - Politechnika Łódzka

Komitet Naukowy Konferencji:

Przewodniczący - Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
Tadeusz Burakowski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Czesław Cempel - Politechnika Poznańska
Janusz Cwanek - AR Rzeszów
Jan Czajgucki - Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia
Ryszard Czarny - Politechnika Wrocławska
Jan Dąbrowski - Politechnika Białostocka
Antoni Dziama - Politechnika Wrocławska
Monika Gierzyńska-Dolna - Politechnika Częstochowska
Karol Grudziński - Politechnika Szczecińska
Zdzisław Haś- Politechnika Łódzka
Janusz Janecki - WITPiS Sulejówek
Czesław Kajdas - Politechnika Warszawska
Wiesław Kaniewski - Politechnika Łódzka
Jan Kiciński - IMP PAN
Mieczysław Korzyński - Politechnika Rzeszowska
Czesław Koziarski - Politechnika Wrocławska
Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
Andrzej Kulczycki - Centralne Laboratorium Naftowe
Stanisław Laber - Politechnika Zielonogórska
Zbigniew Lawrowski - Politechnika Wrocławska
Wiesław Leszek - Politechnika Poznańska
Jerzy Łunarski - Politechnika Rzeszowska
Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
Karol Nadolny - Politechnika Poznańska
Antoni Neyman - Politechnika Gdańska
Waldemar Oleksiuk - Politechnika Warszawska
Olgierd Olszewski - Politechnika Gdańska
Stanisław Płaza - Uniwersytet Łódzki
Stanisław Pytko - AGH Kraków
Andrzej Raczyński - Politechnika Łódzka
Zygmunt Rymuza - Politechnika Warszawska
Jan Sadowski - Politechnika Radomska
Jan K. Senatorski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Jacek Stupnicki - Politechnika Warszawska
Józef Szala - ATR Bydgoszcz
Marian Szczerek - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Jerzy Szumniak - WITPiS Sulejówek
Stanisław F. Ścieszka - Politechnika Śląska
Włodzimierz Świderski - Politechnika Łódzka
Włodzimierz Waligóra - Politechnika Poznańska
Wojciech Wieleba - Politechnika Wrocławska
Krzysztof Wierzcholski - Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia
Marek Wiśniewski - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Politechnika Poznańska
Wiesław Zwierzycki - Politechnika Poznańska

Bharat Bhushan, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (Ed.) Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology
2004. Approx. 1500 p., 1000 illus., Handbook.
Hardcover. approx. 199.95 $
ISBN 3-540-01218-4

As Nanotechnology turned from marvelous vision to exciting reality the need of a quickly accessable source of appli- cation-oriented, authorative and comprehensive information arose. The ''Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology'' meets this claim by integrating the knowledge from Nanofabrication, Nanomechanics, Materials Science, and Reliability Engineering in just one volume. Beside the presentation of Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication, and Micro/ Nanodevices special emphases are on Scanning Probe Microscopy, Nanotribology and Nanomechanics, Molecularly Thick Films, in- dustrial applications and Microdevice reliability, and on social and ethical implications. The book was organized by an experienced editor with a universal knowledge and written by an international team of distinguished experts (e.g. Nobel prize winner Gerd K. Binnig). It addresses Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Materials Scientists, Physicists and Chemists who work either in the nano-area or in a field that is or will be influenced by this new key technology.

From the contents:
With Forewords by Neal Lane (Rice University, former Assistant to the US President for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and former Director of the National Science Foundation) and James R. Heath (California Institute of Technology; co-discoverer of Fullerenes)
Introduction to Nanotechnology.- Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication, and Micro/Nanodevices: Nanomaterials Synthesis and Applications: Molecule Based Devices.- Introduction to Carbon Nanotubes.- Nanowires.- Introduction to Micro/Nanofabrication.- Stamping Techniques for Micro and Nanofabrication: Methods and Applications.- Materials Aspects of Micro- and Nanoelectromechanical Systems.- MEMS/NEMS Devices and Applications.- Microfluidics and Their Applications to Lab-on-a-Chip.- Therapeutic Nanodevices.- Part B Scanning Probe Microscopy: Scanning Probe Microscopy - Principle of Operation, Instrumentation and Probes.- Probes in Scanning Microscopies.- Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy and Its Related Topics.- Low Temperature Scanning Probe Microscopy.- Dynamic Force Microscopy.- Molecular Recognition Force Microscopy.- Part C Nanotribology and Nanomechanics: Micro/Nanotribology and Materi als Characterization Studies Using Scanning Probe Microscopy.- Surface Forces and Nanorheology of Molecularly Thin Films.- Scanning Probe Studies of Nano-scale Adhesion Between Solids in the Presence of Liquids and Monolayer Films.- Friction and Wear on the Atomic Scale.- Nanoscale Mechanical Properties - Measuring Techniques and Applicat ions.- Nanomechanical Properties of Solid Surfaces and Thin Films.- Atomistic Computer Simulations of Nanotribology.- Mech- anics of Biological Nanotechnology.- Mechanical Properties of Nanostructures.- Part D Molecularly-Thick Films for Lub- rication: Nanotribology of Ultrathin and Hard Amorphous Carbon Films.- Self-Assembled Monolayers for Controlling Adhesion, Friction, and Wear.- Nanoscale Boundary Lubrication Studies.- Kinetics and Energetics in Nanolubrication.- Part E Industrial Applications and Microdevice Reliability: Nanotechnology for Data Storage Applications.- The "Millipede"-A Nanotechnology-Based AFM Data-Storage System.- Design, Fabrication and Control of Micro-Actuators for Dual-Stage Servo Systems in Magnetic Disk Files.- Micro/nanotribology of MEMS/NEMS Materials and Devices.- Mechanical Properties of Micromachined Structures.- Mechanical/Thermal/Electrical Behavior of Microstructures.- High Volume Manufacturing and Field Stability of MEMS Products.- MEMS Packaging and Thermal Issues in Reliability.- Part F Social and Ethical Implication: Social and Ethical Implication of Nanotechnology

Date of publication: November 2003
e-mail: orders@springer-ny.com

Applied Scanning Probe Methods
Bharat Bhushan, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA;
Harald Fuchs, University of Muenster, Germany;
Sumio Hosaka, Gunma University, Japan (Eds.) 2003. Approx. 460 p. 280 illus;. some of them in color.
(NanoScience and Technology)
Hardcover. EUR 129.95; L 91.00; sFr 210.-*
ISBN 3-540-00527-7

This volume examines the physical and technical foundation for recent progress in applied near-field scanning probe techniques. It constitutes a timely comprehensive overview of SPM applications, now that industrial applications span topographic and dynamical surface studies of thin-film semiconductors, polymers, paper, ceramics, and magnetic and biological materials. After laying the theoretical background of static and dynamic force microscopies, including sensor technology and tip characterization, contributions detail applications such as macro- and nanotribology, polymer surfaces, and roughness investigations. The final part on industrial research addresses special applications of scanning force nanoprobes such as atomic manipulation and surface modification, as well as single electron devices based on SPM. Scientists and engineers either using or planning to use SPM techniques will benefit from the international perspective assembled in the book.

Part I Scanning Probe Microscopy.- A. Schirmeisen, B. Ancykowski, H. Fuchs: Dynamic Force Microscopy.J.E. Houston:Interfacial Force Microscopy:Selected Applications.Volker Scherer, Michael Reinstaedtler, Walter Arnold: Atomic Force Microscopy with Lateral Modulation.E.Oesterschulze, R. Kassing:Sensor Technology for Scaning Probe Microscopy.J.S.Villarrubia:Tip Characterization for Dimensional Nanometrology.- Part II Characterization.- Bharat Bhushan:Micro/Nanotribology and Materials Characterization Studies Using Scanning Probe Microscopy. Sergei Magonov:Visualization of Polymer Structures with Atomic Force Microscopy.Juergen Keller, Dietmar Vogel,Andreas Schubert, and Bernd Michel:Displacement and Strain Field Measurements from SPM Images.Ndubuisi G. Orji, Martha I. Sanchez, Jay Raja, and Theodore V. Vorburger:AFM Characterization of Semiconductor Line Edge Roughness.Redhouane Henda:Mechanical Properties of the Self-Assembled Organic Monolayers:Experimental Techniques and Modeling Approaches. LiShi and Arun Majumdar:Micro-Nano Scale Thermal Imaging Using Scanning Probe Microscopy. Gustavo Luengo, Frederic Leroy:The Science of Beauty at Small Scale. Applications of Scanning Probe Methods on Cosmetic Science.- Part III Industrial Applications.- S. Hosaka: SPM Based Storage Using Atomic Manipulation and Surface Modification. J. Tominaga: Super Density Optical Data Storage by Near-Field Optics. R. Yamamoto, K. Sanada, S. Umemura. R:Capacitance Storage Using a Ferroelectric Medium and a Scanning Capacitance Microscope (SCM). K. Matsumoto: Room-Temperature Single Electron Devices Formed ba AFM Nano-Oxidation Process

Date of publication:
October 2003

Bhushan, B. (Eds):
Appl. Scan. Probe Meth.
(NanoScience a. Technology)
*EUR 129.95; l 91.00; sFr 210.-
Number: Valid Until:

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*All EUR and GBP prices are net prices subject to local VAT: e.g., in Germany &% VAT. All prices exclusive of carriage charges. Prices and other details are subject to change without notice. All errors and omissions excepted. Printed in Germany.

Informacje elektroniczne z wydawnictw

9 copies remain of the Book of Abstracts for the 14th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics that was held in Blacksburg, VA, June 2002. To buy one, please send a check for U.S. $95.00, made payable to Virginia Tech Treasurer to:

Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
Mail Code 0219
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA

For overseas orders, please add $25.00 for airmail delievery.

Xingguo FU*, Yinong LIU*, Wenzhao YAO*

*PetroChina Lanzhou Lubricating Oil Research & Development Institute, Lanzhou 730060, Gansu Province, China.



Key-words: aging process, carbonate particle, overbased calcium alkylsalicylate
Słowa kluczowe: proces starzenia, cząsteczki węglanu, zasadowe alkilosalicylany wapnia

The carbonation process is generally considered as the most important stage to form nano-carbonate particles during the preparation of overbased calcium alkylsalicylates while the aging stage has not been emphasized by the researchers. This paper had studied the influence of aging process on the TBN (Total Basicity Number) values of overbased products and the micelle structure of carbonate particles during preparing overbased calcium alkylsalicylate by the freeze-etching microscopic observation and calcium distribution measurement method. The results showed that TBN increased as the aging time lasted and remained the stable at about 3.0 hours. The diameter of carbonate particles became smaller and well-distributed after the aging process. Water and methanol had played an important role in the re-formation of the carbonate particles during the aging process, the mechanism on the aging process had been discussed.


Autorzy przedyskutowali mechanizmy procesu starzenia alkilosalicylanów wapnia, które dotychczas nie były rozważane, a także zbadali wpływ procesu starzenia na wartość liczby zasadowej (TBN) produktów o odczynie zasadowym. Stwierdzono, że liczba zasadowa zwiększała się w miarę upływu czasu starzenia, by ustabilizować się po upływie 3 godzin. Zbadano także budowę miceli cząstek węglanów w czasie wytwarzania alkilosalicylanów wapnia. Użyto do tego obserwacji mikroskopowych zamrożonych próbek oraz metody oceny zawartości wapnia.

Jarosław GROBELNY*, Grzegorz CELICHOWSKI**,
Ireneusz PIWOŃSKI**

* University of Lodz, Department of Solid State Physics, 149/153 Pomorska St., 90-236 Lodz, Poland.
** University of Lodz, Department of Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection, 163 Pomorska St., 90-236 Lodz, Poland.



Key-words: Atomic Force Microscopy, Friction Force Microscopy, surface topography, surface modification, porous materials
Słowa kluczowe: mikroskop sił atomowych, mikroskop sił tarcia, topografia powierzchni, modyfikacja powierzchni, materiały porowate


Atomic Force Microscopy is a modern technique designed for measuring the topography and friction of different samples in nanometer scale. The diameter of pores of methyl-silica films was determined. Frictional measurements were performed and relative coefficient of friction between the cantilever tip and the surface of investigated samples was found. These measurements showed that relative friction for modified samples (both porous and non-porous) was lower than for unmodified samples. These results indicate that investigated materials can be applied in nanotribology.


Mikroskopia sił atomowych to nowoczesne urządzenie do badań topografii powierzchni próbek oraz pomiarów tarcia w skali nanometrowej. Określono średnice porów warstw metylo-krzeminkowych. Wykonano badania tarciowe i określono względny współczynnik tarcia pomiędzy ostrzem beleczki pomiarowej a powierzchniami badanych próbek. Mierzone tarcie jest znacznie mniejsze przy zmodyfikowanej powierzchni niż dla powierzchni porowatej bez modyfikacji i powierzchni nieporowatej.
Przedstawione wyniki badań wykazują, iż zastosowane materiały mogą mieć zastosowanie w nanotribologii.

Ken'ichi HIRATSUKA*, Makoto YOSHIDA**

* Dept. Precision Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology 2-17-1, Tsudanuma, Narashino-shi, Chiba 275-8588 JAPAN.
** Dept. Engine Component Design, ISUZU MOTORS LIMITED 8, Tsuchidana, Fujisawa-shi Kanagawa, 252-8501 JAPAN.



Key-words: tribology, friction, wear, catalysis, carbon dioxide, tribo-catalysis

Słowa kluczowe: tribologia, tarcie, zużycie, kataliza, dwutlenek węgla, tribokataliza


The reduction of carbon dioxide to form methane was detected during rubbing of carbon steel/carbon steel and silver/carbon steel tribo-pairs. Carbon steel showed two wear modes, severe wearCaand mild wear. Compared to severe wear, mild wear mode exhibited much more reduction of carbon dioxide and generation of methane. The oxygen deficient structure of iron oxide, produced in the mild wear mode, played an important role in the reaction.


Zaobserwowano redukcję dwutlenku węgla do metanu podczas tarcia w układach materiałowych par tarcia stal węglowa/stal węglowa i srebro/stal węglowa. Stwierdzono, że stal węglowa wykazuje dwa rodzaje zużycia: silne i umiarkowane. W porównaniu do zużywania silnego, podczas zużywania umiarkowanego występuje bardziej intensywna redukcja dwutlenku węgla do metanu. Deficyt tlenu w strukturze tlenku żelaza, powstały w warunkach umiarkowanego zużywania, odgrywa istotną rolę w reakcjach redukcji.

Andrzej KULCZYCKI*, Czesław KAJDAS**

* Centralne Laboratorium Naftowe, al. Żwirki i Wigury 31, 02-091 Warszawa.
** Wydz. Bud., Mech. i Petrochemii PW, ul. Łukasiewicza 17, 09-400 Płock.



Key-words: wear, boundary layer, gear oil, coarseness, additives
Słowa kluczowe: zużycie, warstwa graniczna, olej przekładniowy, chropowatość, dodatki


The influence of coarseness of lubricated surface on the durability of lubricating layer is one of important problems of tribochemistry. This paper contains the results of FZG test results of two gear oils: GL 3 and GL 4. Each of these oils was tested on FZG machine using wheels of different coarseness. The GL 3 and GL 4 oils were also tested on four ball machine. After each test the changes of chemical structure of the investigative oils were carried out using FTIR method.
The results of FZG testes point out the influence of surf ace coarseness on boundary layer durability. This influence of surface coarseness on durability of boundary layer was similar for both tested oils, excluding results obtained for polished wheels. It was impossible to explain this finding using standard analytical apparatus.
Results obtained on FZG tests and four ball tests were analysed using mathematical model ai developed in Central Laboratory of Petroleum. The results of four ball tests were used in the assumptions of ai model verification. The ai method allows to estimate chemical effects proceeding during the tribological process. This method was used in the analysis of FZG test results. It was concluded that when the coarseness of wheels surface increases the EP layer participation in boundary layer increases as well. The only one exception was in the case of polished wheels lubricated with GL 3 oil. In the case of GL 4 there was a great participation of EP layer and the coarseness of wheel was small. The GL 3 oil contained ZDTP type of additive that creates non-stable EP layer. It was confirmed by the analysis of elements like S, Zn, P and C on wheels' surface after test.


Jednym z istotnych zagadnień tribochemii jest wpływ chropowatości smarowanych powierzchni na trwałość warstwy granicznej. W niniej-szym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad trwałością warstwy granicznej, wytworzonej przez oleje do przekładni samochodowych klas GL 3 i GL 4, w warunkach testu na modelowej przekładni zębatej FZG, stosując koła zębate o różnej chropowatości. Badane oleje oceniono także w testach na aparacie czterokulowym. W testach tych dodatkowo analizowano metodą IR zmiany w składzie chemicznym olejów. Uzyskane w teście FZG rezultaty wskazały na istotny wpływ chropowatości początkowej powierzchni na trwałość warstwy granicz-nej. Zaobserwowano podobny wpływ chropowatości na trwałość warstwy granicznej wytworzonej przez oleje GL 3 i GL 4, z wyjątkiem smarowania kół zębatych wypolerowanych (o bardzo małej chropowatości).
Wyjaśnienie tej obserwacji przy zastosowaniu dostępnego aparatu analitycznego nie było możliwe.
Analizę uzyskanych wyników zarówno na aparacie czterokulowym, jak i na maszynie FZG, przeprowadzono stosując matematyczny model ai, opracowany w Centralnym Laboratorium Naftowym i opisany we wcześniejszych publikacjach. Rezultaty tak przeprowadzonej analizy wyników testów zużyciowych na aparacie czterokulowym pozwoliły na zweryfikowanie modelu ai jako narzędzia do obliczania efektów chemicznych, zachodzących w trakcie procesu tribologicznego. Wobec powyższego model ten zastosowano do analizy wyników testu FZG. Analiza ta doprowadziła do wniosku, że wzrost chropowatości powierzchni powoduje wzrost udziału warstwy granicznej o strukturze EP. Prawidłowość ta była stwierdzona dla obu badanych olejów: dla oleju GL4 w całym zakresie chropowatości, natomiast w odniesieniu do oleju GL 3 dla kół wypolerowanych prawidłowość ta została zaburzona. W tym przypadku dominowała warstwa EP, przy czym wytworzona przez olej zawierający dodatek ZDTP charakteryzowała się niewielką trwałością. Wniosek ten został empirycznie potwierdzony analizą ilości pierwiastków pochodzących z dodatku ZDTP na powierzchni kół FZG.


* University of Lodz, Department of the Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection, Lodz, Poland.



Key-words: antiwear properties, lubricant, zinc dialkyldithiophosphate additives, ceramic materials
Słowa kluczowe: własności przeciwzużyciowe, środek smarowy, dialkiloditiofosforany cynku, materiały ceramiczne


The effect of high temperature and load on antiwear and antifriction effectiveness of zinc dialkyldithophosphate in lubrication of partially stabilized Zirconia were tested on ball - on - disc apparatus. Zirconia balls were used. As conterface disk made of ZrO2 partially stabilized by Y2O3 were applied. Synthesised ZnDTP were made from primary linear aliphatic alcohols. Tests were performed at room and higher temperatures; and at 5 to 50 N load. Investigated additives were used as pure ZnDTP and as solution in n-hexadecane. It was not found big differences in tribological performances between analysed pure ZnDTP compounds and 5% solution. It was found that the effectiveness in the reduction of friction coefficient depends on load and experiment conducting temperature.


W badaniach analizowano wpływ wysokiej temperatury i siły nacisku na przeciwtarciowe właściwości dialkiloditiofosforanu cynku (ZnDTP) w ceramicznym styku tarciowym. Przeprowadzono testy na aparacie typu trzpień-tarcza, w których wykorzystano ZrO2 częściowo modyfikowany Y2O3, jako materiał ceramiczny tworzący styk tarciowy. Do syntezy ZnDTP użyto liniowe alkohole alifatyczne. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono w temperaturze pokojowej i wyższych, dla siły nacisku od 5 do 50 N. Badano czyste związki ZnDTP, jak również ich 5% roztwory w n-heksadekanie. Nie stwierdzono dużych różnic w działaniu przeciwtarciowym między czystym ZnDTP a jego 5% roztworem. Siła nacisku i temperatura prowadzenia testu ma istotny wpływ na własności tribologiczne analizowanych związków.


* Utah State Health Department, Environmental and Toxicology, 46 Medical Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84113, USA; and University of Technology and Agriculture, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Seminaryjna 3, Bydgoszcz, Poland. e-mail: zpawlak@.utah.gov.



Key-words: additives, soft-core and hard-core reverse micelles, interactions, solubiliztion, tribochemical antiwear surface film formation, acid-base processes
Słowa kluczowe: dodatki olejowe, micele odwrócone z miękkim rdzeniem, micele odwrócone z twardym rdzeniem, oddziaływania dodatków, solubilizacja, tribochemia tworzenia filmu na powierzchni metali, kwasowo-zasadowe oddziaływania


The tribofilm formation requires that tribochemical reaction occur between the solubilized ZDDP by soft-core reverse micelles, (RM's) and the metallic surfaces under boundary lubrication. In the case of carbonate(borate)-sulfonate hard-core RM's, the colloidal core (CaCO3)x or (CuO)x is directly introduced in the sliding contact, and undergoes physical and chemical changes during the film build-up. Hard-core RM's in hydrocarbon formulation is one or two orders of magnitude larger than that of the soft-core RM's. Discussion of soft-core and hard-core inverse micelle formation, solubilization, acid-base interaction and related phenomena are presented thought this paper.


Proces powstawania tribofilmu na metalicznych powierzchniach trących następuje w warunkach tarcia granicznego z udziałem ditiofosforanu cynku (ZDDP). ZDDP jest solubilizowany przez micele odwrócone (RMs) z miękkim rdzeniem i przenoszony do węzłów tarcia. W przypadku micel odwróconych z twardym koloidalnym rdzeniem (CaCO3)x lub (CuO)x w warunkach tarcia granicznego tworzy się warstwa ochronna z węglanu wapniowego bądź metalicznej miedzi. Micele odwrócone z twardym rdzeniem są o dwa rzędy wielkości większe niż micele z miękkim rdzeniem. W pracy dyskutowane są micele odwrócone z miękkim i twardym rdzeniem, zjawiska solubilizacji i oddziaływań kwasowo-zasadowych.


* V.A. Belyi Metal Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 246652 Kirov st. 32a, Gomel, Belarus Republic.



Key-words: phenolics, water-glycol complexes, physico-chemical processes, mechanisms of wear
Słowa kluczowe: żywice fenolowe, kompleksy woda-glikol, procesy fizykochemiczne, mechanizmy zużycia


The work presents the investigation results of sliding friction of phenolic resins ih water-alcohol solutions. On the example of water-glycol solutions the basie physical and chemical processes, accompanying friction and wear of phenolics in contact with metal have been revealed. It has been shown, mat friction and wear properties of considered system mainly depend on an associative structures, which types are determined by concentration of solution, as well as by their chemical interaction with surfaces of contacting materials. Associate structures of water-glycol complexes define the primary mechanism of polymer wear that is expressed by the hydrolysis of ether substances and/or by polycondensation of hydroxyl groups. The metal is subject to corrosive wear with formation of iron hydroxides, alcoholate complexes and metalorganic substances, capable to polymerization. Adsorption of water-glycol complexes by surfaces, diffusion saturation and plasticization of polymer surface layers depend on chemical structure of complexes also.


Praca przedstawia wyniki badań tarcia ślizgowego żywic fenolowych w roztworach wodno-alkoholowych. Znaleziono, wykorzystując roztwory wodno-glikolowe, podstawowe fizyczne i chemiczne procesy towarzyszące tarciu i zużyciu żywic fenolowych w kontakcie z metalem. Pokazano, że tarcie i zużycie rozważanego systemu zależy w głównej mierze od struktur asocjatów, których typy są uzależnione od stężenia w roztworze, oraz od ich chemicznego oddziaływania z kontaktującymi się w tarciu powierzchniami. Struktury asocjatów woda-glikol decydują o głównym mechanizmie zużycia polimerów, który można przedstawić jako hydrolizę grup eterowych lub plikondensację grup hydroksylowych. Metal poddawany jest zużyciu korozyjnemu, które prowadzi do powstania tlenków żelaza, kompleksów alkoholanowych oraz związków metaloorganicznych, które są zdolne do polimeryzacji. Chemiczna struktura kompleksów ma również wpływ na ich adsorpcję oraz uplastycznienie powierzchni polimerów.

Marian Włodzimierz SUŁEK*, Anita BOCHO-JANISZEWSKA*

*Faculty of Material Engineering, Technical University of Radom, Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom, Poland.



Key-words: friction, wear, friction coefficient, organic complexes of metals, lubricant additives, grease
Słowa kluczowe: tarcie, zużycie, współczynnik tarcia, organiczne kompleksy z metalami, dodatki smarnościowe, smar plastyczny


In this work tribological properties of lithium grease with 8-hy-droxyquinoline complexes with copper, zinc, cobalt, cadmium, lead and manganese were investigated. The tribological tests were performed on four-ball machine T02 produced in the Institute for Terotechnology (ITeE) in Radom. The influence of the applied additive on friction coefficient and wear was discussed. Compositions containing complexes of copper, cadmium and lead reveal most significant influence on reduction of motion resistance and wear, especially at high loads.


W przedstawionej pracy badano właściwości tribologiczne kompozycji smarowych na bazie litowego smaru plastycznego z dodatkiem kompleksów 8-hydroksychinoliny z miedzią, cynkiem, kobaltem, kadmem, ołowiem i manganem. Testy tribologiczne prowadzone były z użyciem aparatu czterokulowego T02, produkcji Instytutu Technologii i Eksploatacji w Radomiu. Dyskutowano wpływ rodzaju związku zastosowanego jako dodatek na współczynnik tarcia i zużycie. Największy wpływ na zdolność obniżania oporów ruchu mają kompozycje z kompleksami miedzi, kadmu i ołowiu, szczególnie w wyższych obciążeniach. Wszystkie dodatki 8-hydroksychinolinianu metalu korzystnie wpływają na właściwości przeciwzużyciowe kompozycji smarowej. W przypadku dużych obciążeń najefektywniej zmniejszają zużycie kompozycje z dodatkiem kompleksu kadmu, miedzi i ołowiu.

Huidong WANG*, ** Zhiqun HAN*, Renan WANG**,
Yonglian ZHANG*, Suoqi ZHAO**

* Petrochina Lanzhou Lubricating Oil Research & Development Institute, Lanzhou 730060, Gansu Province, China.
** State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, Petroleum University (Beijing), Changping, 102200, Beijing, China.



Key-words: hydrotreated base oils, ultraviolet radiation, sediment
Słowa kluczowe: hydrorafinowana baza olejowa, promieniowanie UV, osady


Hydrotreated lube base oil is superior to solvent refining base oil due to the higher viscosity index and lower volatility loss, however it is sensitive to sunlight or ultraviolet irradiation. On exposure to light and oxygen, some hydrotreated lube base oils became dark, haze and formed heavy sediments. The changes of the composition and the physical properties of the hydrotreated lube base oils exposed to ultraviolet light at 50±1°C were studied. Hydrotreated neutral oils (125N and 200N) prepared from Xinjiang crude oil (one of the oil fields in China) were used in this study; the formed sediments were analyzed by and XPS. The results showed that the physical properties of the base oils, i.e. the aromatics content in base oils increased with the exposure time, and nitrogen and sulfur containing decreased. Elemental analyses of the deposit showed that it is higher in nitrogen and sulfur content than that of the bulk of the oil. The results also showed that the relative percentage contents of nitrogen and sulfur in sediments are higher at the initial ultraviolet radiation stage and then became lower after ultimate stages. The precursors of forming the deposits are partially both hydrogenated heterocyclic compounds and hydrogenated polycyclic aromatic compounds, the reaction process is deduced.


Hydrorafinowane oleje bazowe mają przewagę nad olejami po rafinacji rozpuszczalnikowej, ponieważ posiadają wyższy wskaźnik lepkości i mniejszą lotność. Niestety, są one czułe na światło słoneczne oraz promieniowanie w nadfiolecie. W wyniku wystawienia na promieniowanie świetlne i tlen niektóre oleje hydrorafinowane stają się ciemne, nieprzezroczyste i dodatkowo pojawia się w nich osad.
Autorzy prześledzili zmiany składu chemicznego i fizycznych właściwości hydrorafinowanych olejów bazowych zachodzące w wyniku naświetlania promieniami nadfioletowymi w temperaturze 50±1°C. Do badań użyto hydrorafinowanych olejów bazowych (oznaczonych 125 N i 200N) pochodzących z chińskich złóż Xinjiang. Wytrącone osady zbadano za pomocą FTIR i XPS.
W wyniku badań stwierdzono, że stężenie związków aromatycznych w olejach bazowych zwiększało się w miarę upływu czasu, zaś zawartość azotu i siarki spadała. Analizy osadu wykazały, że zawartość w nich azotu i siarki przewyższa zawartość tych pierwiastków w oleju bazowym, z tym że także ona maleje w miarę czasu naświetlania. Odpowiedzialnymi za wytrącanie osadów są m.in. związki heterocykliczne i uwodornione policykliczne aromaty.

Tomasz WASILEWSKI*, Włodzimierz SUŁEK*

* Faculty of Material Engineering, Technical Univesrity of Radom, Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom, Poland.



Key-words: lyotropic liquid crystals, sorbitan esters, lubricant additives, friction coefficient, wear
Słowa kluczowe: liotropowe ciekłe kryształy, estry sorbitanu, dodatki do smarów, współczynnik tarcia, zużycie


In this paper we present compounds, which form liquid crystalline structures in lubricating medium. The mixtures of sorbitan monolaurate and etoxylated sorbitan monolaurate in different ratios were used as additives. Influence of ratios sorbitan laurate-ethoxylated sorbitan laurate (SML/ESML) and concentrations of additive in paraffin oil on tribological properties were investigated. The results show that for 1% solutions with increasing ethoxylated form in additive friction coefficient and wear decrease. For 2, 3 and 4% solutions best results were obtained for ratios SML/ESML 7:3, 5:5 and 3:7. We think that for these ratios liquid crystalline structures in lubricating medium are formed very easily.


W artykule zaprezentowano związki mogące wytwarzać w środku smarowym struktury ciekłokrystaliczne. Jako dodatki do bazy olejowej stosowano mieszaniny monolaurynianu sorbitanu (SML) i oksyetylenowanego monolaurynianu sorbitanu (ESML). Analizowano wpływ stężenia i stosunku SML/ESML na właściwości tribologiczne. Na podstawie rezultatów stwierdzono, że dla roztworów 1-procento-wych wraz ze wzrostem zawartości oksyetylenowanego monolaurynianu sorbitanu następuje obniżenie współczynnika tarcia i zużycia. Dla roztworów 2-, 3- i 4-procentowych najlepsze właściwości obserwowano dla stosunków SML/ESML 7:3, 5:5 i 3:7. Autorzy sugerują, że dla powyższych kompozycji smarowych najłatwiej mogą się tworzyć struktury ciekłokrystaliczne.


* Austrian Centre of Competence for Tribology Viktor Kaplan-Straße 2 A 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria.



Key-words: chemical composition of layers, sliding, metallic alloys, high temperature

Słowa kluczowe: struktura chemiczna warstewek, tarcie, stopy metali, wysoka temperatura


Elevated temperature wear behaviour of metallic materials are characterised by formation of several types of layers. Wearing conditions, wearing material and mating material govern formation of these layers. These layers determine the friction coefficient and the wearing rate. These layers deffer by their physical appearance, mechanical properties, chemical compositions and failure mechanisms. In the present work, it is demonstrated that each layer has got its characteristics chemical composition. It is also shown that by careful and systematic chemical analysis of the worn surfaces and wear debris, it is possible to identify the type of layer formed and the possible mechanism. Such analysis can be carried out without destroying the test sample or the wearing components.


Podczas tarcia stopów metali w podwyższonej temperaturze następuje formowanie się rozmaitych typów warstewek na powierzchni. Wpływ na to mają warunki badania i skojarzenie materiałowe. Utworzone warstewki zmieniają współczynnik tarcia i intensywność zużywania. Warstewki te różnią się wyglądem, właściwościami mechanicznymi, strukturą chemiczną i mechanizmami zużywania. Autorzy wykazali, że każdy z typów warstewek posiada charakterystyczną strukturę chemiczną. Wykazano także, że dogłębne analizy zużytej powierzchni oraz produktu zużycia pozwalają na zidentyfikowanie rodzaju warstewki i mechanizmów jej powstawania. Analizy takie można wykonać w sposób nieniszczący.


* University of Lodz; Department of Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection 163, Pomorska St, 90-236 Lodz, Poland; tel (+48 42) 635 58 32; fax (+48 42) 678 70 87; e-mail: splaza@uni.lodz.pl



Key-words: AFM, STM, nanofriction, nanostructure, self assembled monolayers, O,O,S-methyl polyethoxyglycol triester of dithiophosphoric acid, micelle
Słowa kluczowe: AFM, STM, nanotarcie, nanostruktura, warstwy samoorganizujące się, O,O,S-metylo- triester polietoksyglikolu kwasu ditiofosforowego, micele


Self-assembled monolayers of O,O,S-Methyl Polyethoxyglycol Triester of Dithiophosphoric Acid (MPEDTP) from ethanol solution on stainless steel surface and its adsorption from diisooctyl sebacate solution on stainless steel and on gold surfaces were investigated by STM techniques. STM images showed that this compound could form hemimicellar and cylindrical aggregates on solid surfaces. The size of adsorbed molecules in hemimicelles formed on steel surfaces is two times higher than one on gold surfaces. Probably molecules are deformed on steel surface much stronger than on gold surfaces. Relative coefficients of friction between silicon tip and pure steel surface as well as steel surface with deposited MPEDTP ware measured with the use of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).


Samoorganizujące się warstwy O,O,S-metylo- triesteru polietoksyglikolu kwasu ditiofosforowego (MPEDTP) wytworzone na powierzchni stali z roztworu etanolowego i na powierzchni stali oraz złota z roztworu sebacynianu diizooktylowego zostały zbadane skaningowym mikroskopem tunelowym (STM). Obrazy STM pokazały, że związek ten może tworzyć hemimicele i cylindryczne agregaty na powierzchni ciała stałego. Rozmiar zaadsorbowanych cząsteczek w hemimicelach uformowanych na powierzchni stali jest dwa razy większy niż na powierzchni złota. Prawdopodobnie cząsteczki są zdeformowane na powierzchni stali bardziej niż na powierzchni złota. Wyznaczono względne współczynniki tarcia pomiędzy krzemową beleczką skanującą mikroskopu sił atomowych (AFM) a czystą powierzchnią stali oraz powierzchnią stali z zaadsorbowanym MPEDTP.

Krzysztof CHROBAK*, Jarosław GROBELNY*,

* University of Lodz, Department of Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection 163, Pomorska St., 90-236 Lodz, Poland tel (+48 42) 635 58 32; fax (+48 42) 678 70 87; e-mail: irek@uni.lodz.pl



Key-words: AFM, arachidic acid, monolayer, LB film, friction

Słowa kluczowe: AFM, kwas arachidowy, monowarstwa, warstwa LB, tarcie


Deposition characteristics, film morphology and wear resistance of arachidic acid Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films on mica were investigated. The experiment was carried out at three different surface pressures and its influence for final film morphology was evaluated. The wear resistance in scratch and durability tests with the use of Atomic Force Microscopy was verified and the film thickness was measured.


W przedstawianej pracy scharakteryzowano osadzanie, morfologię i odporność na zużycie warstw LB kwasu arachidowego na mice. Podczas eksperymentu oszacowano wpływ trzech różnych wartości napięcia powierzchniowego na morfologię końcowej warstwy. Sprawdzono trwałość warstwy LB na zużycie w testach na "zdzieranie" z użyciem mikroskopu sił atomowych oraz zmierzono grubość warstwy filmu.



March 2003

Hydraulik flüssigkeiten
11. - 13. Marz 2003
Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany

Ostfildern-Nellingen, An der Akademie 5

Die Leitung:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz

Das Thema:

Hydraulik flüssigkeiten

Eigenschaften, Normung und Prüfung, Anwendung

Die Leitung:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
T+S Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik,

Der Termin:

11. - 13. Marz 2003 Der Ort:
Ostfildern-Nellingen, An der Akademie 5

Veranstaltung : Nr. 28817/68.614

Nutzen und Ziele:


Schwerpunkt dieses Lehrgangs sind Hydraulikmedien für Anlagen, die nach dem hydrostatischen Prinzip arbeiten.

• Welche Anforderungen werden an Hydraulikflüssigkeiten gestellt?
• Welche Eigenschaften besitzen Hydraulikflüssigkeiten?
• Welche Bedeutung haben Hydraulikflüssigkeiten für den störungsfreien Betrieb von Hydraulikanlagen?
• Welche Wechselbeziehungen bestehen zwischen Dichtungsmaterialien und Hydraulikflüssigkeiten?
• Auf welche Erfahrungen beim praktischen Einsatz unterschiedlicher Hydraulikflüssigkeiten kann zurückgegriffen werden?

Praktiker und Wissenschaftler stellen in kurzen Referaten den Stand der Technik dar. Während des Lehrgangs steht ausreichend Zeit für die Diskussion spezieller Probleme und praktischer Beispiele mit den Dozenten zur Verfügung.

Der Teilnehmerkreis:

Konstrukteure, Betriebsingenieure und andere Betreiber von Hydraulikaniagen, die mit der Gestaltung sowie der Überwachung und Instandhaltung der Aniagen befasst sind, aus dem allgemeinen Maschinenbau, Aniagenbau und Bergbau, für Werkzeugmaschinen, Förderanlagen, Fahrzeuge und Baumaschinen, Mitarbeiter aus Entwicklung und Technischem Dienst der Mineralölindustrie

Die Dozenten:

Pro f. Dr.-Ing. WilfriecI J. Bartz, T+S Tribologie uund Schmierungstechnik, Denkendorf
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Bock, Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim
Dr. Edgar Freitag, Merkel Freudenberg Fluidtechnik GmbH, Schwalmstadt
Dipl.-Ing. Henrik Helnemann, Fuchs Europe Schmierstoffe GmbH, Mannheim
Dipl.-Ing. Henrik Kar/, Pali GmbH Machinery and Equipment, Dreieich
Günter Hertel, D. A. Stuart GmbH, Wuppertal
Dipl.-Ing. Rüdiger Krethe, Wearcheck GmbH, Brannenburg
Dr. Günter Peschk, Beilstein
Dr. W. David Phillips, Great Lakes Chemical Corporation, Manchester (United Kingdom)
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Reichel, Sachverständiger für Hydraulik in der Antriebstechnik, Essen
Dr. Christian Seyfert, Fuchs Petrolab AG, Mannheim
Dr. Dieter Staeck, Tornesch
Dr. Raiph G. Weyandt, Institut Fresenius Chemische und Biologische Laboratorien GmbH, Taunusstein

Das Programm:

Dienstag, 11. Marz 2003
8.30 bis 12.00 und 13.00 bis 18.45 Uhr

1. Einführung in die hydraulische Leistungsübertragung (W. J. Bartz)

Elemente hydraulischer Leistungsübertragung - Hydraulisches Prinzip - Hydraulikaniage - Vor- und Nachteile hydraulischer Leistungsübertragung - Komponenten und Leistungsfluss - Energieverluste - Betrieb von Hydraulikaniagen - Anforderungen an die Hydraulikfiussigkeit

2. Mineralölbasische Hydraulikflüssigkeiten - Aufbau, Eigenschaften und Normung (W. J. Bartz)

Rohöl: Charakteristik; Verarbeitung; Additivierung; Hydrauliköl - Eigenschaften: Rohöleinfluss, p/t-Verhalten, Gaslöslichkeit, typische Analysen - Anforderungen an Hydrauliköle: Keep clean, Multimetall-Vertraglichkeit, Materialermudung, Demulgiervermögen, Rostschutz - Instandhaltung/Pflege von Aniagen und Öl - Stand Anforderungsnorm DIN 51524 - Hydraulikflüssigkeiten auf Pflanzenölbasis - Normung Hydrauliköle

3. Biologisch schnell abbaubare Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (W. J. Bartz)

Anforderungen an umweltverträgliche Hydraulikflüssigkeiten: grundsätzliche Anforderungen, Gesundheits- und Wassergefährdung - Eigenschaften umweltverträglicher Hydraulikflüssigkeiten: verfügbare Flüssigkeiten, Vergleich wichtiger Eigenschaften, Aufbau umweltverträglicher Hydraulikflüssigkeiten, Vergleich kennzeichnender Eigenschaften - Verhalten umweltverträglicher Hydraulikflüssigkeiten in der Praxis - Normung und Standardisierung - Entsorgung

4. Anwendung und Überwachung mineralölbasischer Hydraulikflüssigkeiten in der Praxis (H. Heinemann)

Hydrostatische und hydrodynamische Funktionen - Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften der Hydrauliköle - Anforderungen an Hydrauliköle im praktischen Betrieb - Gebrauchtälanalysen - Nationale und internationale Normung - Anwendungsbeispiele

5. Filtration von Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (H. KarI)

Welche Verschmutzungsquellen existieren? - Yerschleißmechanismen - Definition der ÖIreinheit mit Hilfe von Normen - Filterleistungsdaten - Welche Filterkonzepte gibt es? - Wie sauber soli die Hydraulikfiussigkeit sein?

6. Gase in Hydraulikölen (D. Staeck)

Löslichkeit von Gasen - Henryscher Gesetz-Bunsen-Koeffizient - Luft-ln-Öl-Dispersionen - Stokessches Gesetz - Luftabscheidevermögen - Kompressibilität - Kavitation - Oberflachenschaum

7 Bauformen von Hydraulikdichtungen (E. Freitag)

Einteilung der HY-Dichtungen - Bauformen - Dichtungen - Abstreifer - Führungen - Dichtungswerkstoffe - Funktion - Einflüsse auf den Dichtvorgang - Anwendungsbeispiele - Dichtungssysteme - Primär- und Sekundärdichtung

Mittwoch, 12. Marz 2003
8.30 bis 12.30 und 13.45 bis 17.30 Uhr

8. Wechselbeziehungen von konventionellen und biologisch abbaubaren Hydraulik-DrückfIussigkeiten mit elastomeren Dichtungswerkstoffen (G. Peschk)

Auswahl der in hydraulischen Bauelementen einsetzbaren Basiselastomere - Ternperatureinsatzgrenzen von Druckmedien und Dichtungswerkstoffen - Prufmethoden zur chemischen, physikalischen und mechanischen Beständigkeit von Dichtungswerkstoffen, Werkstoffvergleich und Einsatzempfehiungen

9. Nichtwassnge schwer entflammbare Hydraulik flüssigkeiten (W. D. Phillips)

Hydraulikflüssigkeiten - Phosphatester - Carboxylatester - Chlorierte Biphenyle - „Cocktail-Flussigkeiten" - Schwerentflammbarkeit - Oxidationsbestandigkeit - Hydrolytische Beständigkeit

10. Wasserhaltige Hydraulikflüssigkeiten - Anforderungen und Eigenschaften (G. Hertel, U. Schmitz)

Gruppeneinteilung - Kennzeichnung - Identifizierung - Verschleißschutz - Alterungsbestandigkeit - Verträglichkeitsmerkmale - Entflammbarkeit und selbsttatiges Weiterbrennen - Arbeitsschutz - Umweltverträglichkeit - Entsorgung - Neuere Entwicklungen

11. Schwer entflammbare Hydraulikflüssigkeiten in Industrie, Bauwesen und Bergbau (W. Bock)

Definition und Beurteilung der Schwerentflammbarkeit - Typen schwer entflammbarer Flüssigkeiten - Technische Kriterien optimaler Anwendung - Humantoxische und umweitschonende Aspekte

12. Wasserhydrauliken (J. Reichel)

Klarwasser als Hydraulikflüssigkeit - Physikalische und biologische Eigenschaften - Maßnahmen und Erfahrungen für den Betrieb von Hydrauliksystemen - Anwendungsbeispiel

13. Prüfung von Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (J. Reichel)

Arten von Druckflüssigkeiten - Eigenschaften - Genormte Mindestanforderungen - Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung des Verschleißschutzvermögens - Laborprüfmaschinen - Mechanische Prüfung in Pumpentests - Prüfung der Gebrauchstauglichkeit - Walzlagerlebensdauer - Einfluss von Verunreinigungen - Alterungsverhalten - Zweck der Prüfungen und daraus resultierende Vorteile für den Anwender

Donnerstag, 13. Marz 2003
8.30 bis 11.30 und 13.00 bis 15.00 Uhr

14. Uberwachung von Hydraulikflüssigkeiten (C. Seyfert)

Konzepte der Zustandsuberwachung: Warum Uberwachung / Anderung von Eigenschaften im Betrieb - Konzepte zur Überwachung - Laboruntersuchungen: Probenahme - Chemisch/physikalische Kenndaten - Verunreinigungen/Verschleiß - Beurteilung von Sonderfiussigkeiten (z.B. HFA/HFC) - Vor-Ort-Untersuchungen: Einfache Tests (z.B. optisch) - RULER - On-line-Uberwachung: Betriebsparameteruberwachung - Partikelzahiung - Sensorik (Dielektrische GróBen, Wassergehalt, Viskositat)

15. Ölanałysen zur Früherkennung von Hydraulikausfällen und zur Schadensanałyse (R. Krethe) Trendanalyse zur Beobachtung des Maschinenzustandes - Ermittlung des optimalen Olwechselinten/alls - Probeentnahme: wann, wo, wie? - Testverfahren und ihre Aussagekraft - Ölanalysen und Korrekturrnaßnahmen - Typische Praxisbeispiele

16. Allgemeine Mikrobiologie wasserbasischer Arbeitsflüssigkeiten (R. G. Weyandt) Mikroorganismen - Mikrobielle Materialzerstörung - Nachweistechniken - Biozidwirksamkeit - Adaptation/Resistenzbildung - Prüfverfahren

17. Hygienische Aspekte von wasserbasischen Arbeitsfluiden (R. G. Weyandt)

Umgang mit biologischen Agenzien - Hygienisch relevante Mikroorganismen - Gefahrdungspotenziale am Arbeitsplatz - Anlagenüberwachung - Ökologische und ökonomische Aspekte - Fallbeispiele

Die Telinahmegebühr:

€ 960,00 (mehrwertsteuerfrei)
einschl. Unterlagen, Mittagessen und Pausengetränken

So melden Sie sich an:

mit den Angaben:
Veranstaltung Nr.: 28817

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Technische Akademie Esslingen
Postfach 1265
D-73748 Ostfildern

(0711) 3 40 08-23,-24, -25

Ursula Prezewowsky
Patricia Zink

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aktuelle Informationen
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Hinweise zur Anreise erhalten Sie mit der Anmeldebestatigung. Mit der Anmeldung erkennen Sie unsere Geschaftsbedingungen an - insbesondere hinsichtiich der Stornierungs- und Zahiungsmodalitäten. Uber die vollständigen Geschäftsbedingungen (die wir Ihnen auch gerne zusenden) informiert Sie unser Gesamtprogramm. Außerdem können Sie sie in Ihrer Anmeldebestätigung nachlesen.

Brauchen Sie ein Hotelzimmer?

Marianne Merten
Telefon (0711) 34008-40, Fax -43 - E-Mail: Marianne.Merten@tae.de
(Diese Zimmervermittiung ist ein kostenioser Service der TAE.)

Haben Sie weitere Fragen zum Lehrgang?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried J. Bartz
Telefon (0711) 34008-59 - E-Mail: Wilfried.Bartz@tae.de

Weiterbildungsprogramme Tribologie (TAE)

Die Technische Akademie Esslingen bietet zwei Weiterbildungsprogramme Tribologie (TAE) an, die sich jeweils über zwei Jahre erstrecken:

Tribologie (TAE) -1
für Schmierstoffanwender,

Tribologie (TAE) - 2
für Schmierstoffhersteller und -vertreiber.

Nähere Informationen enthält unsere detaillierte Ubersicht
- bitte fordem Sie sie an.

Das Oualitatsmanagementsystem der Technischen Akademie Esslingen ist nach DIN EN ISO 9001 zertifiziert.

March 30 - April 3, 2003
Washington DC, USA
Deadline for abstract: November 22, 2002
  • Wear assessment and monitoring
  • Wear mechanisms and mapping
  • Wear modeling and prediction
  • Materials engineering and the use of coatings to control wear
  • Frictional behavior associated with wear
  • Wear of materials for medical applications
  • Wear of materials at the nano-scale
  • Wear modeling, including computer simulations
  • Wear test methods and standards (jointly organized by ASTM-G2)
Special sessions are being organised for the following topics:
  • Wear of materials for medical applications
  • Wear of materials at the nano-scale
  • Wear modelling, including computer simulations
  • Wear test methods and standards (jointly organised by ASTM-G2)
  • Keynote lectures will provide critical assessments of our current understanding of various aspects of wear.
For full guidelines on submitting an abstract visit:

or contact:
Sarah Wilkinson
WOM 2003 Conference Secretariat
Elsevier Science, The Boulevard, Landford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 843691
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 843958
Email: sm.wilkinson@elsevier.co.uk

April 2003

Meeting Customer Needs

An international conference on additives for automotive fuels and lubricants: their chemistry, mode of action and tribological performance

1st - 3rd April 2003
Jubilee Campus, Nottingham University, UK

Organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry Industrial Inorganic Chemicals and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Tribology Group.

This meeting will focus on:

  • Recent advances in additive chemistry and function as a way of meeting the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) performance requirements.
  • Product formulation for performance and the link between additive chemistry and emissions.
  • The chemical and tribological aspects of the performance of fuel and lubricant additives.
  • Present and future additive technology in the context of developments by the OEMs in reducing the cost of vehicle ownership.
  • Engine design developments and the use of novel materials including non-ferrous materials, ceramics, coatings and other surface treatments.
  • Tribological performance issues such as fuel economy and retention, wear protection and engine durability.

The aim of the meeting is to bring together the automotive and chemical industries with cademia and provide a multi-disciplinary forum for chemists, engineers and tribologists to share ideas for future developments in the science and technology of fuels and lubricants. This is the third meeting in a series organised by the RSC Industrial Inorganic Chemicals Sector and the Tribology Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

The programme will comprise plenary and contributed oral presentations, as well as poster sessions. Contributed papers are now invited.

Training Day
A one-day training session entitled "An Introduction to Additive Technology" - in association with Octel and Infineum - will be held at Jubilee Campus, Nottingham, UK on 31 March 2003. This session will explain the basic science and technology of additives as well as the terminology and current practice used by the industry. The training day will be beneficial to those who want an introduction to the use of additives in fuels and lubricants including their chemistry, properties and function.

For further information please contact:
Samantha Bradley
Royal Society of Chemistry Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J OBA, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7440 3304
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7734 1227
Email: Industry@rsc.org

To receive free RSC news by email, register online at:

TRIBOLOGY: Science and Applications
April 23-27, 2003
    Deadlines :
    February 28, 2003
    registration to the Conference and reservation of the accommodation in the mansion of the PASc in Vienna
    March 20, 2003 delivery of the one-page abstract of the presentation

Österreichisches Kompetenzzentrum
für Tribologie



Science and Applications

Review Conference on scientific cooperation between
Austria, Poland and their world-wide partners
especially from Middle-European Countries

April 23 - 27, 2003



    I would like to participate in the Conference "Tribology: Science and Application", organized in Vienna from 23 till 27 of April 2003:

    Please type or print in CAPITAL LETTERS (English only):

    Title (Prof. Dr. Mr. Ms.), Family Name, First Name

    Affiliation, Street, City, Postal Code, Country:

    Tel. (including country and area code), Fax, E-mail:

Accommodation request

of nights
Room type
Polish Academy of Sciences, Mansion




31 EURO per night

47 EURO per night

    Mark your preferred accommodation by an "x".
    Your reservation will be accepted according to the rule:
    "first application - first acceptance".
    In case you want to rent a double room, please fill in the name of the second person:

    Arrival Date:  April 22, 2003;
    in case of another day please fill in:   April …. , 2003
    Intended Departure Date:  April ……,2003
    Payment: In case you want to stay in the mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences you are supposed to pay only by cash on your arrival day.

    Date: ……………..     Signature: ………………………

Chairperson and organizer of the conference:

Prof. Marian A. HERMAN

Scientific Centre of the
Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna
Boerhaavegasse 25, A-1030 Wien

Tel.: (+43-1)-713-5929-305,    (+43-1)-713-0383-305
Fax: (+43-1)-713-5929-550,    (+43-1)-713-0383-301
E-mail: herman.viennapan@ycn.com

Co-organizers of the conference:

  • Polish Academy of Sciences, Scientific Centre in Vienna
  • Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Chemistry in Płock (WUT)
  • Institute for Terotechnology in Radom
  • Central Petroleum Laboratory in Warsaw
  • State Committee for Scientific Research, Poland

  • Austrian Tribology Society
  • Austrian Centre of Competence for Tribology (AC2T)
  • Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Institute for Micro Technique and Precision Engineering of the Vienna University of Technology
  • Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Austria

Venue of the conference:

Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Scientific Centre in Vienna
Boerhaavegasse 25
A-1030 Wien, Austria

Preliminary list of invited speakers:

  1. Prof. Dr. E. Deulin et al., Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
    The Role of Adsorbed Water Film for Sliding Friction of Smooth and Rough Surfaces

  2. Prof. Dr. K. Hiratsuka et al., Chiba Institute of Technology, Department of Precision Engineering, Chiba, Japan
    Wear and Catalysis

  3. Dr. K. Nakayama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan
    Tribomicroplasma - the Origin, Characteristics and Applications

  4. Dr. R. Nevchoupa, Bauman Moscow State University, Russia
    Mechanoemission: An attempt of Generalized Clasification

  5. Dr. A. Pauschitz et al., Institute for Micro Technique and Precision Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
    Tribological Investigation of Biologically Friendly Lubricants

  6. Doc. Dr. Petr Řepa, Charles University, Department of Electronics and Vacuum Physics, Head of Vacuum Physics Group, Prague
    Outgassing of Metals Induced by Mechanical Action in UHV: A review

  7. Prof. Dr. A. Ritter, VPI & SU, Department of Physics, Blacksburg U.S.A.
    Statistical Characteristics of Vacuum Triboemission

  8. Prof. Dr. M. Szczerek, Institute for Terotechnology, Radom, Poland
    Repeatability and Reproducibility: Problems of Tribology

The aim and scope of the Review Conference

The Conference "TRIBOLOGY: Science and Applications", is devoted to reviewing the current scientific results achieved so far in all of the already realized cooperation projects as well as to the presentation of new offers for mutual Austrian-Polish and Polish-other Middle-European Countries cooperation in the future. It should also summarise the most valuable achievements gained in the preceding years 2001 and 2002 by the cooperating partners from the mentioned countries.

Presentation forms

Only the following oral presentations will be accepted for the conference program:

(a) Invited (35 min+ 10 min disc.)
(b) Contributed (15 min. +5 min. disc)
(c) Advertisements (15 min.)

The subject (title, co-authors and contents) of each presentation should be earlier specified in the form of a short, one- page abstract in English, which should be sent to the organizer of the Conference not later than on

March 20, 2003.

The whole text of the presentation
should be delivered on the first day of the Conference
in hard copy duplicate and in the electronic version
(on a floppy disk).

The conference proceedings volume will be published by the Publishing House (CUN) of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw at the beginning of the year 2004.

February 28, 2003

registration to the Conference and reservation of the accommodation
in the mansion of the PASc in Vienna

March 20, 2003

delivery of the one-page abstract of the presentation

April 23, 2003

arrival at the accommodation place in Vienna and submission
of the complete manuscript of the presentation

Participation expenses:
No registration fee is required
for the Conference participation. The access to the Party and the Banquet is free of charge. The same holds for conference materials as well as for the Proceedings Volume. The participants cover, however, their accommodation and living expenses, as well as travel expenses to Vienna and back.

How to submit an Abstract

Method 1: E-mail Submission
Please save your abstract in a MS Word 6.0 or higher format (Word 2000 preferred) and mail it to herman.viennapan@ycn.com as an attachment in the form as shown below.
Method 2: Floppy Disk Submission
Please save your abstract in a MS Word 6.0 or higher format (Word 2000 preferred) onto a regular floppy disk (3.5”), carefully label the disk with your name as well as the paper title and mail it to the Conference Chairperson in Vienna.

Abstract example (on format A4)

  1. Title of the intended presentation
    (in capital letters)
  2. Authors: A.B. Unknown*, C.D. Known and E.F. Master
    The affiliation with addresses
  3. ABSTRACT of a presentation: ?
    (insert A for invited, B for contributed or C for advertisement)
    Text not longer than 3000 characters of the computer size 12.
  4. E-mail (or Fax) of the corresponding author:
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    * presenter's name is underlined
Information concerning the detailed Program of the Conference, as well as confirmation of registration and accommodation, will be given in (and in addition to) the Second Announcement leaflet at the end of March 2003.

Scientific Committee:


    Prof. Dr. F. Franek, Co-Chairman, General Manager of AC2T Research, Wiener Neustadt
    Dr. A. Pauschitz, Vienna University of Technology (VUT), Tribology and Design Section, Vienna
    Doz. Dr. Ecker, AC2T Research, Wiener Neustadt
    Prof. Dr. H. Störi, VUT, Institut of General Physics, Vienna
    Prof. Dr. hab. C. Kajdas, Co-Chairman, WUT, Institute of Chemistry in Płock
    Prof. Dr. hab. J. Zielinski, Vice-President of the WUT for affairs of the Technical and Social Sciences School in Płock
    Prof. Dr. hab. M. Szczerek - Institute for Terotechnology in Radom, Deputy Director for Scientific Research
    Dr. M. Majzner - WUT, Institute of Chemistry in Płock, Head of the Tribology Laboratory
 Preliminary Programm:
23.04.Welcome Session:
Tribotesting, Triboemission, Tribosurface Analysis, Tribochemistry
24.04.Morning:Visit to the ARCS, Seibersdorf

Afternoon sessions: Centre of Competence for Tribology, Wiener Neustadt Lubricated Friction & Wear and Diesel Fuel Lubricity

25.04. - 26.04Symposium: Tribology in Vacuum Tribomechanically Stimulated Outgassing of Metals in UHV, Wear and Catalysis in UHV, Vacuum Triboemission

27.04.Closing Session: Summarizing Presentations


of the conference

Science and Applications

April 23 - 27, 2003

Wednesday, April 23

[ Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Vienna]
King Jan III Sobieski`s conference hall

19:00       Opening Session

Chairperson: M.A.Herman

19:00       Welcome addresses

19:30       Inauguration presentation:

Physics and Chemistry of Tribology
Czesław Kajdas, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

20:15       Concert: The Vienna Music

21:00       Get-together Party in the Knight`s room

Thursday, April 24

  9:00       Bus departure for Seibersdorf

from the entrance to the PASc. mansion in Vienna

10:00       Visit to the Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf

welcome address:
Information on the activities of the ARCS labs
Andreas Merstallinger, ARCS, Austria

10:15       Invited presentation 1:

Vacuum Tribology and Cold Welding
Andreas Merstallinger, ARCS, Austria

10:45       Visits to the research laboratories of ARCS
Lunch break

13:00       Bus departure for Wiener Neustadt

13:30       Visit to the Austrian Center of Competence

for Tribology, AC2T
Wiener Neustadt

Welcome address:
Information on the activities of the AC2T research labs
Friedrich Franek, AC2T research, Austria

14:00       Conference Session 1: Lubricated Friction and Wear

Chairperson: Cz.Kajdas

Invited presentation 2:
Title to be given
Friedrich Franek, AC2T research, Austria

14:30       Invited presentation 3:

M.J. Furey, Department of Mechanical Engineering Virginia Tech, USA

15:00       Invited presentation 4:

Tribological investigations of biologically friendly lubricants
Andreas Pauschitz et al., Vienna University of Technology, Austria

15:00       Coffee break

16:00       Conference Session 2: Diesel Fuel Lubricity

Chairperson: A. Ecker

  Invited presentation 5:
Diesel fuel lubricity
George Anastopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

16:30       Contributed presentation 1:

Compatibility and pumpability problems of Diesel fuel additive and methods of their evaluation
R.Kempiński et al., Research and Development Centre for Rafinery Industry, Płock, Poland

16:50       Contributed presentation 2:

Lubricity and tribochemistry of selected CHO and CHNO compounds- a review
M. Majzner et al., Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

17:10       Contributed presentation 3:

How substituents of heteroaromatics influence the lubricity of Diesel fuel
E. Kenesey et al., AC2T research, Austria

17:30       Coffee break

18:10       Conference Session 3: Measurement Techniques

Chairperson: M.Furey

dd>Invited presentation 6:
Repeatability and reproducibility problems of tribotesting
Marian Szczerek, Institute of Terotechnology, Radom, Poland

18:30       Invited presentation 7:

New approach to account for independent tribological test result that cannot be corrected in a simple way
A.Kulczycki et al., Central Petroleum Laboratory,Warsaw, Poland

19:00       Contributed presentation 4 :

An electrochemical technique to measure the wear of metals against polymer in corrosive environment
M. Roy et al., Vienna University of Technology, Austria

19:20       Contributed presentation 5:

Testing the effect of lubrication on the friction and wear of polymers
M.Kozma et al., University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary

19:40       Adjourn

20:00       Conference banquet in Wiener Neustadt

22:00       Bus departure for Vienna

Friday, April 25
Symposium: Tribology in Vacuum

[ Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Vienna]
King Jan III Sobieski`s conference hall

  9:00       Welcome address

Czesław Kajdas, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

  9:15       Symposium Session S1: Wear, chemical reactions, and outgassing

Chairperson: R.Nevshupa

Invited presentation S1:
Wear and chemical reactions
K.Hiratsuka et al., Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan

  9:45       Invited presentation S2 :

The role of water coverage at dry friction of smooth and rough surfaces
E.A. Deulin, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia

10:15       Invited presentation S3:

Outgassing of metals induced by mechanical action in UHV (a review)
P. Řepa, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic

10:45       Coffee break

11:15       Symposium Session S2: Triboemission and catalysis

Chairperson: E.Deulin

Invited presentation S4:
Tribomicroplasma - the origin, characteristics, and applications
K.Nakayama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,Tsukuba, Japan

11:45       Invited presentation S5:

Statistical characteristics of vacuum triboemission from abrasion of alumina
A.Ritter et al., Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA

12:15       Invited presentation S6:

Triboemission: an attempt of generalized classification
R. A. Nevshupa, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia

12:45       Contributed presentation CS1:

Low- energy triboelectrons and tribochemistry- a review
G.J.Molina et al., Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, USA


Conference Excursion
to Kreuzenstein Castle

14:15       Bus departure from the PASc. mansion

18:00       Symposium Session S3: Tribology in vacuum

Chairperson: A. Kulczycki

Contributed presentation CS2:
Treatment of surfaces for ultra-high vacuum applications using free radicals
G. Vorlaufer et al., AC2T research, Austria

18:20       Contributed presentation CS3:

Peculiarity of the friction surface of anti-frictional composite material under dry friction vacuum conditions
Y. Simeonova et al., Space Research Institute BASc., Sofia, Bulgaria

18:40       Contributed presentation CS4:

An AFM study to evaluate the nanotribological properties of Ti containg hard carbon/carbide coating
M.Roy et al., Vienna University of Technology, Austria

19:00       Contributed presentation CS5:

Tribology in nano- and mesoscale; an AFM study
A.Ciszewski et al., Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Wrocław, Poland

19:20       Coffee break

19:40       Symposium Session S4: Miscellanea

Chairperson: M. Szczerek

Contributed presentation CS6:
Fatigue wear and accompanied texture effects in near-surface areas
J.T.Bonarski et al., Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, PASc.,Cracow,Poland

20:00       Contributed presentation CS7:

Materials for medical applications-investigation on HIP joint balls
Ch. Monetti et al., AC2T research, Austria

20:20       Contributed presentation CS8:

Tribological properties of liquid crystals as lubricant additives
V.Vekteris et al., Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania

20:40       Invited presentation S7 :

Mechanism of water synthesis under Pt/Pt tribological system in vacuum
Cz.Kajdas et al., Warsaw University of Technolgy, Poland

21:10       Closing address

Cz. Kajdas, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

21:30       Adjourn

Saturday, April 26

[ Vienna University of Technology]

10:00       Conference Session 4: Surface Physics

Chairperson: A.L.Ritter

Welcome Address
W.S.M.Werner, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of General Physics, Austria

10:15       Invited presentation 8:

Quantitative electron spectroscopy- fundamentals and applications
W.S.M.Werner, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of General Physics, Austria

10:45       Contributed presentation 6:

Separated elementary kinds of friction; phase changes in the boundary layer
K.Krawczyk, Technical University, Radom, Poland

11:05       Contributed presentation 7:

On the chemical composition of the layers formed during sliding of metallic alloys at high temperature
A. Pauschitz et al., AC2T research, Austria

11:25       Contributed presentation 8:

Parameters determining polymeric coating resistance to tribological wear
under the influence of hard particles impact
D. Kotnarowska et al., Technical University, Radom, Poland

11:45       Contributed presentation 9:

Tribological properties of metallic composites containing glassy carbon
J. Myalski et al., Silesian Technical University, Katowice, Poland

12:05       Adjourn

12:15       Visits to the laboratories of the Vienna University of Technology

13:00       Lunch break, and free time for Vienna sightseeing

19:00       Conference Session 5: Bearing Systems

[ Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences]
Chairperson: K.Hiratsuka

Contributed presentation 10:
Selection of oils for porous bearings
A.Król et al., Military University of Technology,Warsaw,Poland

19:20       Contributed presentation 11:

Investigations of porous bearings saturated by greases
B. Giemza et al., Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

19:40       Contributed presentation 12:

Ecological bearing systems for water turbins
A.Neyman et al., Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

20:00       Contributed presentation 13:

Comparison of functional properties of special and typical rolling Bearings
M. Styp-Rekowski, Technical and Agricultural University, Bydgoszcz,Poland

20:20       Adjourn

Sunday, April 27

[ Mansion of the Polish Academy of Sciences]

10:00       Conference Session 6: Miscellanea

Chairperson: A. Pauschitz

Invited presentation 9:
Nano- and microscopic characterization of surfaces of engineering materials
K. Kurzydłowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

10:30       Contributed presentation 14:

Lubrication in sheet-metal forming prosesses
J. Adamus, Technical University of Częstochowa, Poland

10:50       Contributed presentation 15:

Adaptation in tribological systems
V.Vekteris, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania

11:10       Contributed presentation 16 :

Environmentally- friendly ecological greases
J. Drabik et al., Institute for Terotechnology, Radom, Poland

11:30       Contributed presentation 17:

Modification of oils tribological properties by addition of metal powders
A.Kotnarowski, Technical University, Radom, Poland

11:50       Contributed presentation 18:

A description of friction coefficient in numerical simulations of forging processes
P. Lacki, Technical University of Częstochowa,Poland

12:10       Coffee break

12:30       Closing Session

Chairperson: K. Kurzydłowski

Advertisement presentation
Central Petroleum Laboratory, Warsaw, Poland
A. Majoch, Warsaw, Poland

12:45       Summarizing presentation

F.Franek, Vienna Technical University, Austria

13:15       Closing address

M.A.Herman, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vienna

13:30       Adjourn

STLE STLE Annual Meeting

April 28th - May 1st 2003

The Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers (STLE) will hold its 58th Annual Meeting & Exhibit program on April 28 - May 1, 2003, in New York City at the Hilton New York hotel. Nearly 1,500 technical professionals from around the world are expected to attend.

The conference program will feature more than 250 presentations in 48 sessions devoted to state-of-the-art research and industry practice, with presenters from academia, government and industry.

The New York meeting is also an opportunity for people to enhance their professional credentials through nine different technical education courses, or by sitting for one of STLE's two professional certification exams - Certified Lubrication Specialist (CLS) or Oil Monitoring Analyst (OMA).

An expanded exhibit program will feature more than 85 companies and organizations presenting the latest in products and services for the lubrication professional.

Information and registration materials for the 2003 Annual Meeting and Exhibition will be mailed in January to STLE members, past attendees, and interested parties. To request registration materials or more information, visit the STLE website at STLE

May 2003

June 2003


TRIMIS 2003 in Neuchatel, Switzerland June 01-03,2003

01 - 03 June, 2003
Neuchôtel • Switzerland
Tel. direct + 41 32 720 5269
Fax direct + 41 32 720 5740
E-mail: henry.haefke@csem.ch
A workshop focusing on the tribology of microsystems - TRIMIS 2003 - will take place in Neuchatel, Switzerland, between 01 - 03 June, 2003. The two-day workshop is being organized by CSEM. The objective is to provide a forum for experts in fabricating microsystems and tribologists involved in micro and nanotribology to discuss problems and find solutions for the critical tribological issues associated with microsystems.

The Invited Speakers at this workshop will be (tentatively):
Prof.Koji Kato, Tohoku University, Japan
Prof. Nico de Rooij, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Prof. Zygmunt Rymuza, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Mike Dugger, Sandia National Laboratory, USA

Vendor Exhibits:
Interested exhibitors are invited to present their equipment at the meeting. Please contact Ms. Karin Chabloz (Tel: +41 32 720 55 75, kch@csem.ch) for more information.

Abstract Submission:
You are invited to submit an abstract for an oral presentation at the meeting. For further information please visit the workshop website: www.csem.ch/trimis/trimis-2003.pdf or connect to www.csem.ch - then click the button EVENTS - then TRIMIS.

Henry Haefke
Section Head, Micro and NanoMaterials
Surface Engineering

2003 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on
Micromechatronics for Information
and Precision Equipment
June 16-18th, 2003
Yokohama, Japan
11/30/02: submission of a one-paragraph abstract
12/31/02: Notification of acceptance
3/31/02: Camera-ready 2-page manuscript for conference
6/18/03: Full paper manuscript.

Dear Colleagues:
You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to the conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE) on June 16-18th, 2003 at Yokohama, Japan. This conference is organized jointly by the Information Storage and Processing Systems (ISPS) division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the Information, Intelligent, and Precision (IIP) equipment division of the Japanese society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). A large portion of this conference addresses mechanical engineering aspects of data storage and information processing applications and hence, might be of interest to you.

Some important dates of the conference are as follows.

11/30/02: submission of a one-paragraph abstract through the conference web site: http://www.jsme.or.jp/iip/IIP-ISPS-Joint-MIPE.html. (Deadline would be extended somewhat because of the Thanksgiving holiday in US).
12/31/02: Notification of acceptance
3/31/02: Camera-ready 2-page manuscript for conference
6/18/03: Full paper manuscript.
Thank you very much for your attention of this issue. Look forward to receiving your contribution.
Sincerely yours,

Conferece chairman
2003 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (IIP/ISPS Joint MIPE)

Mitsuya, Y. (Yasunaga Mitsuya)
Nagoya University
Dept. of Electronic-Mechanical Engineering
Tel. +81 52 789 2784
Fax. +81 52 789 3129
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603


June 23-26, 2003
Berlin, Germany
Deadline for abstract: January 15, 2003
    Scope and Topics
  • Surface Science
  • Surface Analysis
  • Thin Films and Coatings
  • Nanotechnology
  • Electronic Materials
  • Biosurfaces
  • Vacuum Science and Technology

PROBLEMS AND PROSPECT of the propulsion engineering DEVELOPMENT

June 26-27, 2003
SAMARA, Russia
Deadline for abstract: January 15, 2003
Applications for participation should be submitted to our address before April 15, 2003.
Materials for publication should be submitted before April 15, 2003 (abstracts) and before June 30, 2003 (articles).

Conference Object
Directional detection of the most actual lines and total experience generalization in the areas of scientific investigation, design, construction strength, reliability, production, backfitting and engineering personnel training for aerospace and other branches of industry
Conference Themes:
  • The reliability problems of engines, power supply installations and their systems;
  • Development prospects and use of engines for aviation, space - rocket systems, motor transport mechanical engineering and stationary power supply installations;
  • Aircraft engines conversions problems;
  • Operation processes and engines theory;
  • Construction strength and reliability of engines and their systems;
  • Wear and tear, friction and reliability of engines friction assembly;
  • Damping and vibration problems in engines;
  • Burning processes and heat exchange in power supply installations;
  • Propulsion engineering, power engineering and space vehicle ecology problems;
  • Production and advanced technologies in propulsion engineering;
  • Computer-aided design and manufacture of engines;
  • Monitoring and control systems of engines;
  • Personnel training.
Organized by:
Russian Federation Education Ministry
Samara region administration
JSC Samara Scientific and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov
Samara State Aerospace University
Samara scientific centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) named after P.I. Baranov
Association of Aero Engines Manufactures
Academy of Aviation and Aeronautical science
Financial and industrial group LDvigateli NK
Space forces of Russia

Program Committee:
  • Gritsenko Ye. A. - DSc , professor, General Designer ? General Director of the Samara Science and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov ? Chairman of the organizing committee (Samara)
  • Kozlov D.I. - Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, DSc, professor, General Designer ? General Director of State Scientific Company Russian Cosmic Centre "CSKB -PROGRESS"
  • Rynkevitch S.Yu. - PhD, Vice General Director of ROSAVIAKOSMOS
  • Skibin V.A. - Professor, Head of Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) (Moscow)
  • Soifer V.A. - DSc, professor, Rector of Samara State Aerospace University (Samara)
  • Titov K.A. - Governor of Samara region
  • Fridlyanov V.N. - Vice Minister of Industry and Science Ministry
  • Tchuiko V.M. - DSc, professor, President of Aircraft Engine Conctruction Association (Moscow)
  • Shitarev I.L. - DSc, professor, President of Financial ? industrial Group LNK Engines (Samara)
  • Shlenov Yu.V. - Vice Minister of Education Ministry
  • Shorin V.P. - member of Russian Academy of Science, Chairman of Samara Scientific Centre Russian Academy of Science (Samara)
Organizing Committee:
  • Gritsenko Ye. A. - DSc , professor, General Designer ? General Director of the Samara Science and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov. Chairman of the organizing committee (Samara)
  • Veretennikov V.G. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Moscow Institute of Aviation (Technical University) (Moscow)
  • Ganin A.A. - PhD, Director of Volga branch of JSC Research-and-Production Association „Energomash”
  • Galdin A.A. - Director of Public Conversion Promotion Foundation (Samara)
  • Gortyshov Ju.F. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Kazan Technical University (Kazan)
  • Daniltchenko V.P. - DSc, professor, chief designer of the SSTC named after N.D. Kuznetsov (Samara)
  • Doronin V.I. - Head of Samara Industry and Trade Department
  • Zhernakov V.S. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Ufa State Aviation (Technical University) (Ufa)
  • Ignachkov S.M. - First Deputy General Designer of the SSTC named after N.D. Kuznetsov (Samara)
  • Kirilin A.N. - PhD, The LPROGRESS Works Director (Samara)
  • Kurbatov V.P. - PhD, The LMOTOROSTROITEL JSC Technical Director (Samara)
  • Noznitskyi Ju.A. - DSc, Deputy Head of Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) (Moscow)
  • Ovchinnikov V.N. - PhD. General Director of JSC, Samara Design Bureau Machine-Building (DBMB)
  • Pavlenko V.F. - DSc, professor, First Vice-President of Academy of Aviation and Aeronautical science
  • Petrenko S.A. - DSc, professor, Director and Chief Constructor of Design Office of Russian Cosmic Company L Energiya
  • Shakhmatov Je.V. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Samara State Aerospace University, Vice-chairman of the organizing committee (Samara)

  • The oficial languages of the Conference are Russian and English
  • Participation presupposes:
    presentation of reports, advertising presentations, poster presentations, demonstration of commercial products, participation as listener.
  • Collections of abstracts and articles will be published on the basis of the conference materials.
  • Applications for participation should be submitted to our address before April 15, 2003.
  • Materials for publication should be submitted before April 15, 2003 (abstracts) and before June 30, 2003 (articles).
  • Registration fee is 200 US dollars (three hundred roubles for Russian citizens).
  • Program and collection of abstracts will be handed out to participants on the day the conference opens.
Materials are to meet the following requirements:
  • Language publications Russian or English
  • Number of pages: abstract up to 2; article up to 7
  • Text: - typewritten (hard copy) and diskette 3.5"
  • Text WinWord
  • Page format: A5 (148 x 210 mm)
  • Margins: 20 mm top, bottom, right, left
  • Script: - 10 point; type - Times New Roman
  • Figures, tables, graphs are allowed in the text
  • Title is printed in capital letters. Below after a space follow the authors` last name and initials printed in small letters. Then after a space comes the complete name of the organisation and city after another space follows the text printed with one space between the lines.
Please send Your papers to the address:
443086 Samara, Moskovskoye Shosse, 34,
Samara State Aerospace University, Faculty No.2.

Contact telephones:
(846 - 2) - 34-79-22;
35-74-22; 35-74-39

e-mail: fdla@ssau.ru

web: www.ssau.ru/conferences/conf_06.2003_en.shtml

July 2003

International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics 2003).
AIM2003 will be held in Kobe, JAPAN on July 20-24, 2003.

We would be grateful if you are interested in the conference and consider to submit papers.
We now provide a web-based electronic paper submission procedure so that you could submit papers easilly.
July 20 - 24, 2003
Kobe, Japan
Paper Submission
- December 20, 2002, Electronic Submission of Full-Length Papers
- March 14, 2003, Notification of Acceptance
- April 18, 2003, Electronic Submission of Final camera-Ready

Please contact the Tutorial/Workshop Chair for the proposals by November 29, 2002.

Tutorial/Workshop Chair:
Prof.Luigi Glielmo (Universita del Sannio in Benevento, Italy)
Please find further information on our web site, http://www.aim2003.org/
For further inquiries and any questions, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to meeting you in Kobe next year !

Best Regards,

Shigeki Sugano, General Chair

Hideki Hashimoto, Program Chair


The Tribology Groups of the Institute of Physics and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers are staging a:
One Day Meeting - Tuesday 22nd July 2003
Workshop - Wednesday 23rd July 2003
Robinson College

Speakers will include:

Prof. K L Johnson (University of Cambridge); Prof. M Ciavarella (Politecnico di Bari); Dr A Kapoor (University of Sheffield); Prof. L Josefson (Chalmers University); Dr C Davis (University of Birmingham); Dr H P Evans (University of Cardiff); Dr E J Myers (University of Newcastle); Dr A Olver (Imperial College); Mr A Lee (Torotrack).

Workshop for invited participants: 9.30-12.30 Wednesday 23rd July.

Those above plus, Fujii (NTN Bearings); Morales-Espejel (SKF); Loughton (Railway Safety Ltd); Ventry (AEAT Rail); Sawley/Dembosky (TTCI).

For further information please contact:

John Williams/Margaret Stack

August 2003

EFMC2003 The 5th Euromech fluid conference 24-28 august 2003
August 24-28, 2003 The European Mechanics Society is an international non-governmental non-profit scientific organisation.

The objective of the society is to engage in all activities intended to promote in Europe the development of mechanics as a branch of science and engineering. Mechanics deals with motion, flow and deformation of matter, be it fluid or solid, under the action of applied forces, and with any associated phenomena.

Letter of the Chairman

The next European Fluid Mechanics Conference will be held in Toulouse (France) from August 24 to August 28, 2003. This conference, organised under the auspices of EUROMECH by the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, will be the fifth in the series started in Cambridge in 1991 and continued in Warsaw (1994), Göttingen (1997) and Eindhoven (2000). The conference will cover the whole field of Fluid Dynamics, ranging from very fundamental aspects to recent applications. This conference will provide a unique opportunity for fluid dynamicists to see what is going on in this very active field in Europe and to exchange their views on recent developments. The conference will comprise invited lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions, and three mini-symposia dealing with selected topics. Selection of papers will be made on the basis of a one-page abstract. Following the general policy of EUROMECH Conferences, no proceedings will be published.


All correspondence can be directed to the EFMC2003 Conference Office.

Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
Allée Camille Soula
31400 Toulouse, France

Fax: + 33 (0)5 61 28 59 42
E-mail: efmc2003@imft.fr
Web: www.imft.fr/efmc2003

Electronic registration and electronic submission of abstracts are strongly encouraged.
The use of fax and classic mail is restricted to persons for whom electronic means are not available.

Hotel accommodation has to be arranged by the attendees themselves. To help them, a list of hotels with rates and addresses is available at the hotel page. Note that rooms have been pre-booked until June 30, 2003.

Conference schedule

November 1, 2002: Registration possible on the Web site.
December 10, 2002: Deadline for abstracts submission (1 page). Texts must follow the guidelines sent out and given on the Web site. The authors must also specify preference for an oral or a poster presentation.
January 10, 2003: Deadline for application for young researchers' fellowships.
March 1, 2003: Notification of acceptance (oral or poster). Preliminary programme is drawn up and made available on the Web site.
April 1, 2003: Notification of acceptance of fellowships for young researchers.
May 1, 2003: Deadline for registration at a reduced fee. Registration deadline for authors of oral presentations. Final programme available on the Web site.
June 30, 2003: Deadline for payment at a reduced fee and for the reservation of pre-booked hotel rooms.

The two Euromech Young Scientist Prizes 2003 will be attributed at the end of the Conference. These prizes, 500 euro each, will reward the best oral and poster presentations given during EFMC2003 by scientists less than 35 years old at the time of the conference. To apply to these prizes, young contributors must send an electronic mail to the EFMC2003 Conference Office (efmc2003@imft.fr) before December 10, 2002. This e-mail must specify the date of birth of the applicant, his or her address and the title and number of his or her abstract. Note that applicants must be the presenting author of their contribution (oral or poster).

Paticipants less than 35 years old at the time of the conference may apply for a partial financial support. To this end, after having submitted their abstract, they have to send a short vitae, a motivation letter and a copy of their abstract (all three in PdF format) to the e-mail address: fyrefmc@imft.fr.This package must be sent not later than January 10, 2003. The possibility for a financial support will be examined only for those of the applicants whose abstract will have been accepted by the Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference Committee. The decision will be notified by electronic mail, not later than April 1, 2003.

The conference will be held at the Centre des Congres Pierre Baudis
11 esplanade Compans Caffarelli
31000 Toulouse

The city of Toulouse has an international airport. There are also frequent trains running to Toulouse from the main French cities (facilities and access maps).
You can find in the link hereafter general information about Toulouse including urban transport :

Invited Presentation
Euromech Lecture
H. K. MOFFATT, Cambridge

Invited Lectures

S. CANDEL, Paris
Y. S. KACHANOV, Novosibirsk
W. KOCH, Göttingen
D. LOHSE, Twente
W. K. MELVILLE, San Diego
N. PEAKE, Cambridge
D. QUERE, Paris
D. L. WEAIRE, Dublin

Contributed comuncations

Three types of presentations will be accepted: Regular lectures, Posters and Mini-symposia.
Mini-symposia will consist of oral presentations on the following topics:

  • Aeroacoustics (conveners: J. Delfs, Braunschweig; A. Dowling, Cambridge)
  • Experimental techniques: Light and sound (conveners: C. Baudet, Grenoble; J. Westerweel, Delft);
  • Microgravity fluids dynamics (conveners: M. Dreyer, Bremen; B. Zappoli, Toulouse)
Go to authors instructions for further information.

August 25: Welcome ceremony at the Capitole (City-Hall of Toulouse).

Social programme

August 26 afternoon: Visit of the city of Albi, historical and artistic capital of the Albigeois, with its famous Cathedrale Sainte-Cécile and the Museum Toulouse-Lautrec. Albi Tourist Office.

August 26 evening: Banquet: an opportunity to enjoy the tasty world famous cuisine of southwest France, in the Chateau de Croisillat.

For accompanying persons:
August 25 afternoon: Visit of Toulouse (guided walk in the historical centre of the city) Toulouse Tourist Office.

September 2003

30th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology

2nd - 5th September 2003
Lyon, France

The central theme of this conference is to highlight the transient aspects of the processes in tribology and to point out the differences obtained with the stationary conditions, be it experimental, analytical or numerical.

Papers are therefore invited from the fields of mechanics, material science and physico-chemistry that focus on the transient aspect of a particular phenomenon in friction, lubrication and wear.

Topics include:

    Stick-slip behaviour, static and dynamic friction

    Vibration, noise and tribological contacts

    Operating conditions including acceleration/deceleration/impacts

    Transient effects on material properties (for example lubricant rheology)

    Reaction times of additives, third bodies

    Different time scales of processes in tribology

For further details please contact:

Laboratoire de Mecanique des Contacts
Batiment J. d'Alembert
INSA de Lyon
20 Avenue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne cedex, France

Tel: ++33 (0) 4 7243 8452
Fax: ++33 (0) 4 7889 0980
email: lmc@insa-lyon.fr


September 7-12, 2003
Prague, Czech Republic
Abstract submission - 15th April 2003
Letter of acceptance - 30th May 2003
Early Registration and Hotel reservation - 20th June 2003
Manuscript Submission - 10th July 2003

Sattelite Workshop:
Fundamental and Practical Applications of Surface Diffusion
Location and Time: Třešť castle, Czech republic, September 14 - 17, 2003

Scope of the Workshop:
· microscopic approaches
· large-scale modeling of surface diffusion
· clusters and nanostructures
· growth of nanostructures
· sputtering and etching
· chemical reactions, catalysis
· diffusion in biological systems
· molecular assembly on surfaces

Scope of the Conference
The Conference will be concerned with results of theoretical and experimental investigations in the following general areas:

· Surface structure, morphology, roughness and topography
· Diffusion, dynamics and growth at surfaces
· Magnetic properties of low dimensional systems
· Magnetic interfaces
· Small particles, clusters and nanostructures
· Electronic structure of low dimensional systems
· Organic molecules on surfaces
· Adsorption, chemisorption and surface reactions
· Surface thermodynamics and phase transitions
· Nanotribology
· Heteroepitaxy and surface alloying
· Techniques: surface and interface microscopy and spectroscopy

Sattelite Workshop:
International Workshop on Surface Physics
Location and Time: Polanica Zdroj, Poland, September 13 - 15, 2003

The International Workshop on Surface Physics is intended to replace the International Seminar on Surface Physics that was organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics of the University of Wroclaw in the years 1976 - 2000. During the last few years it has become clear that the original formula of the Seminar, which was intended as a platform for exchange of ideas between the scientist from the "East" and "West", is exhausted.
We decided to switch the formula to a more typical workshop gathering surfacists, experimentalists and theoreticians, working on rapidly developing research field of surface science. The program of the Workshop is built around 10-12 invited talks presented by the world leader scientists. Certain number of contributed papers (10) will be selected for oral (20 min.) presentations and the other will be displayed as posters. Proceedings of the meeting will be published.
There will be ample time for discussion. Emphasis will be put on the creation of maximum opportunities for informal discussion and the facilitating of direct person-to-person exchanges of ideas about new developement. The idea is to encourage stronger contacts between the young scientists and the senior figures of various fields. There will be young scientists presentations.

The theme of the oncoming workshop will be:

Metals on Solid Surfaces

and will cover following topics:

· Surface topography
· Metallic nanostructures on surface
· Electronic structure and properties
· Interatomic interactions on surfaces
· Surface alloying and mixing

Up to date the following scientist have agreed to provide talks:
· Ernst Bauer (Tempe, USA)
· Harald Brune (Lausanne, Switzerland)
· Harald Ibach (Juelich, Germany)
· Mieczyslaw Jalochowski (Krakow, Poland)
· Bengt Lundqvist (Goeteborg, Sweden)
· Theodore Madey (Rutgers, USA)
· Vladimir Matolin (Prague, Czech Republic)
· Anton Naumovets (Kiev, Ukraine)
· Herbert Pfnuer (Hannover, Germany)
· Marek Szymonski (Cracow, Poland)
· Ugo Valbusa (Genova, Italy)
· Klaus Wandelt (Bonn, Germany)

The workshop is supposed to be a satellite meeting to the 22nd European Conference on Surface Science to be held in Prague, 7 - 12 September 2003. The format of the Workshop will be limited to about 100 - 120 participants. The venue of the Workshop will be Polanica Zdroj a small spa town located midway between Wroclaw and Prague (some 160 km from Prague), on the Polish side of the border.


Prof. Antoni Ciszewski
Institute of Experimental Physics
University of Wroclaw
plac M. Borna 9
50-204 Wroclaw
tel (+48 71) 3759310
fax (+48 71) 3287365
e-mail: ciszewsk@ifd.uni.wroc.pl
Prof. Adam Kiejna
Institute of Experimental Physics
University of Wroclaw
plac M. Borna 9
50-204 Wroclaw
tel (+48 71) 3759264
fax (+48 71) 3287365
e-mail: kiejna@ifd.uni.wroc.pl

2nd International Conference

8th-10th September 2003
Bournemouth, UK

Sustainable Product Engineering of Bournemouth University Research Centre and the University of Oviedo in Spain at this conference will deal with the Characteristics of Interacting Surfaces; A Key Factor in Sustainable and Economic Products.

The objectives are to highlight the issues of wear and friction between interacting surfaces in relative motion as well as the effect lubrication has on these interacting surfaces which are a prerequisite for product function, quality and cost. These characteristics have environmental as well as life cycle consequences which emphasise the importance their consideration has during the early stages of product design.

It is the purpose of this conference to draw together expertise in this multi-disciplinary field to assist in a better understanding of the issues relating to tribological characteristics so that they can be addressed early in the product design stage.

Conference Topics
Papers are invited on the topics listed below and other which fall within the general scope of the conference:

  • Life-orientated Products
  • Sustainable Product Development
  • Product Life Design Tools
  • Life Cycle Assessment for Optimised Products
  • Energy Studies in Product Use Phase
  • Environmental Impact Assessmen
  • Surface Quality
  • Surface Engineering
  • Lubricants
  • Advanced Materials
  • Analytical Studies
  • Test Methods

Exhibition Facilities
There will be exhibition facilities for the display of products, literature, etc. related to the theme of the conference.

The first conference on Tribology in Environmental Design took place in 2001 and was a very great success, with a large international participation.

For general information please visit website:

For further information please contact
Ms. Deborah Newton-Perks
Conference Secretariat, TED2003
Bournemouth University, Studland House, 12 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth Dorset BH1 3NA, UK
Tel: 44 (0)1202 503750
Fax: 44 (0)1202 503751
Email: ted_info@bournemouth.ac.uk

ASM-2003 Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference

8-10 September 2003
Anaheim Hilton Hotel
Anaheim, California
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2003
You will be notified as to the acceptance of your abstract approximately the first week of March 2003
The Only Conference for Medical Devices that Focuses on Applied Materials, Processes and Technology
  • Fatigue Life and Durability of Implants
  • Surface Engineering
  • Joining and Forming Processes
  • Effect of Materials on Surgical Techniques
  • Biocompatibility
Product Range Covered will include:
  • Vascular Stents and Stent-grafts
  • Orthopaedic Implants
  • Dental Materials
  • Surgical Instruments and Devices
Materials Covered will include:
  • Stainless Steels, Ti Alloys, Co-Cr Alloys, Nitinol, and Noble Metals
  • And More!
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2003

Submit your abstract for consideration today!

Sponsored by: ASM International, The Materials Information Society

Co-Sponsored by:

ASTM International Committee F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

This event will focus on materials, processes and technology as they relate to medical/dental devices:

  • surgical devices;
  • minimally invasive devices for vascular applications including cardiovascular, neurovascular, and peripheral vascular applications;
  • equipment used in orthopaedic (knee, hip, elbow, spine, bone attachment, etc), respiratory, ophthalmic, neurological, and urological fields
  • dental (implants, dental materials, orthodontics and endodontics, wires, devices and instruments, etc)
  • non-implantables, e.g., catheters and guidewires
  • interventional devices
This event will provide an ideal opportunity to take a look at state-of-the-art in science and technology pertaining to medical device materials, as well as examine ways to apply those to your products and applications.

Papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Fatigue Life and Durability of Medical Implants
  • Corrosion Resistance of Medical Implants
  • Surface Engineering of Medical Devices
  • Surface Removal Techniques including electropolishing, chemical etching
  • Surface treatment modification techniques including coatings
  • Sterilization as it impacts surfaces
  • Joining Methods for Medical Devices
  • Joining specific to medical implants
  • Bonding of metal to plastics
  • Bonding plastics to plastics
  • Forming processes used in medical devices
  • Laser Cutting
  • Photo/chemical etching
  • Wire drawing
  • Sheet forming
  • Shape setting of NiTi Alloys
  • Forging and investment casting
  • Heat treatment methods used in medical implants
  • Effect of materials on surgical techniques
  • Endovascular/cardiovascular procedures
  • Orthopaedic procedures
  • Dental procedures
  • Biocompatibility of implant materials
  • Imaging
  • Materials for In-vivo Imaging (issues such as MRI & related device heating or magnetic pulling)
  • The conference will cover materials including, but not limited to: Stainless Steels, Titanium Alloys, NiTi, Co-Cr Alloys, Nitinol and Noble Metals
  • Regulatory Affairs as Related to Materials
Recommended attendees include, but are not limited to:
  • Product development/design engineers of medical device industries who are interested in the knowledge of materials
  • R&D scientists in the medical device industry
  • R&D managers of the medical device industry
  • Material producers who supply or are interested in supplying materials to medical device industries
  • Companies that supply specific equipment/technologies to meet medical device needs
  • Vascular/Orthopaedic surgeons/dentists who are interested in the knowledge of implant materials
  • Manufacturing engineers from the medical device industry
  • Academic scientists who are interested in disseminating their knowledge among the above audience or exchanging information with their peers or with industrial R&D scientists
  • Other (non-medical device) industry scientists who are interested in disseminating their knowledge among their customer base
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Deadline is 15 January 2003

Please seriously consider your ability to prepare a full manuscript and present your work at the conference BEFORE submitting your abstract. All costs associated with your participation are your responsibility (travel, housing, registration, etc.)

Interested authors should submit a 100-150 words abstract (in English) to www.asminternational.org/absubmit_meddevices.cfm; simply complete the requested presenter and co-author information: name, title, company/affiliation, complete address, phone and fax number and e-mail address.

You will be notified as to the acceptance of your abstract approximately the first week of March 2003.

Conference proceedings will be published and distributed to all attendees following the event. Deadline for manuscript submissions will be AT the event and the book published by the end of the year.

Organizing Committee:
Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava, Event Chairman
R&D Principal Engineer
Edwards Lifesciences LLC
Irvine, California
Dr. Phillip J. Andersen
Andersen Metallurgical LLC
Madison, Wisconsin
Dr. Stanley A. Brown
Biomaterials Engineer
USFDA Center for Devices and
Radiological Health
Div. of Mechanics & Materials Science
Rockville, Maryland
Dr. Sepehr Fariabi
Senior Director
Edwards Lifesciences LLC
Irvine, California
Dr. Farrokh Farzin-Nia
Technical Director of Materials R&D
Ormco Corporation
Inglewood, California
Dr. Darel E. Hodgson
Chief Technology Officer
Shape Memory Applications/Johnson Mathey
Palo Alto, California
Dr. Dana Medlin
Principal Engineer
Zimmer Incorporated
Warsaw, Indiana
Dr. Y. V. Murty, FASM
Technology Assessment
Carpenter Technology Corporation
Reading, Pennsylvania
Prof. Henry J. Rack, FASM
Prof., Materials Science & Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina
Dr. Ming H. Wu
Vice President of Technology
Memry Corporation
Bethel, Connecticut

Visit the ASM website frequently at www.asminternational.org/meddevices for updates on this event.

Questions? Contact us:
ASM International
Conference Administrator, Medical Devices Event
Materials Park, Ohio U.S.A. 44073-0002
Telephone: 440.338.5151
Fax: 440.338.4634

YAROFRI-2003 5th International Symposium on Friction Products and Materials

September 9th - 11th 2003
Yaroslavl, Russia

Programme of the Symposium

  • Friction composites and products: development, technology, testing
  • Markets of friction products: features, development, manufacturers and suppliers marketing
  • Theoretical issues of friction and wear
For further details please contact:

Mr E G Piven
159948 Yaroslavl
Moskovsky Avenue, 149

Tel: +7 0852 44 1663
Fax: +7 0852 44 1591
Email: tiir@yaroslavl.ru

Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings 2003 Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings 2003 Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings 2003 Smart Surfaces in Tribology: Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings
First Circular

Call for papers
10-12 September 2003
Zurich, Switzerland
Location Hotel Renaissance, Zurich-Glattbrugg
Smart Surfaces in Tribology:
Advanced Additives and
Structured Coatings

A European conference on recent developments in additive technology and surface coatings for the reduction of wear and friction on moving surfaces

General Information
Contact   EMPA
Dr Rowena Crockett
Ueberlandstrasse 129
CH-8600 Duebendorf
Phone: +41 1 823 46 12
Fax:     +41 1 823 40 38
Email: rowena.crockett@empa.ch

Internet: www.empa.ch/sst

Dates 10-12 September 2003

Location Hotel Renaissance, Zurich-Glattbrugg

Smart Surfaces in Tribology:
Advanced Additives and Structured Coatings


This meeting is organised jointly between the Brussels section of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE, Brussels Section), the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA) and Tribology Letters (Kluwer Publishing). It is aimed at people from industry and academic institutions, who have a shared interest in recent developments in elucidating the mechanisms of additives in forming protective coatings, as well as the increasing use, by coating manufacturers, of highly structured approaches to improving wear resistance.

Subjects cowered by this meeting will include

  • new additives and new insights: chemistry and mechanisms of wear and friction reduction
  • techniques for the fabrication of structured surfaces
  • physical and chemical properties of surfaces that lead to wear protection
  • the use of surface analytical approaches for the characterization of coating and additive properties

    Guidelines for abstracts

  • Abstracts should be written in English and no longer than one A4 page
  • The presenter should be marked with an asterisk (*)
  • The full postal address as well as the email address of the corresponding author should be given
  • Please state with the submission of the abstract whether oral or poster presentation is preferred (or no preference)
  • Abstracts should be sent to rowena.crockett@empa.ch as an email attachment


Oral Presentation:
Closing date for submission of abstract 28 February 2003

Poster Presentation:
Closing date for submission of abstract 31 March 2003

Publication of papers

Papers submitted for oral or poster presentations may be submitted for publication in a special edition of Tribology Letters, subject to normal reviewing procedures.

Inwited speakers and (prowisional) titles of talks

Prof. Hugh Spikes (Imperial College, England):
The antiwear film-forming properties of zinc dialkyldithiophosphates

Dr Marcus Morstein (Platit AG, Switzerland):
Novel high-performance PVD coatings by nano- and microscale structuring

Dr Sandrine Bec (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France):
Nanorheological properties of antiwear tribofilms

Dr Joerg Patscheider (EMPA, Switzerland):
Wear protection by nanostructured hard coatings

Organising committee

Dr Rowena CrockettEMPA, Switzerland
Prof. Nicholas SpencerETHZ, Switzerland and Tribology Letters
Ir Michel RoegiersSTLE, Belgium
Dr Lukas RohrEMPA, Switzerland
Mr Sigi RoosEMPA, Switzerland
Prof. Hugh SpikesImperial College, England
Dr Paul HugEMPA, Switzerland
Dr Joerg PatscheiderEMPA, Switzerland

10-12 September 2003

Hotel Renaissance, Zurich-Glattbrugg, Switzerland

Further information
Internet: www.empa.ch/sst

Dr Rowena Crockett, EMPA
Phone: +41 1 823 46 12
Fax:    +41 1 823 40 38
Email: rowena.crockett@empa.ch

Other STLE conferences (www.stle.org)
STLE 2003 Annual Meeting and Exhibition ApriI 27-May 1, 2003, New York, NY

STLE-ASME Joint Tribology Conference October 26-29, 2003, Jacksonyille, FL

Request for further information

Smart Surfaces in Tribology:
Advanced Additives and
Structured Coatings

To receive further information, please complete this form.

Tick boxes as appropriate

? Please send the second circular and application form

? l would like to present an oral paper

Closing date for submission of abstract: 28 February 2003

? l would like to present a poster

Closing date for submission of abstract: 31 March 2003

Provisional title for oral presentation or poster


? My company is interested in sponsoring this event

Please write in capitals or type





September 10-13, 2003
Rostov-on-Don (Russia)

The Russian academy of sciences in association with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, The Ministry of Transport Communication of the Russian Federation, Interdisciplinary Scientific Tribology Council, Association of Tribology Engineers and Rostov State University of Transport Communication have the honor to invite you to participate in the international Congress "Mechanics and Tribology of Transport Systems". The Congress will be held in September 10-13, 2003 in Rostov-on-Don (Russia).

- Development ofpromising transport technique.
- Mechanics of transport systems.
- Problems of friction, wear, lubricants and lubrication.
- New wear-resistant materials and reinforcing technologies.
-Safety of traffic, information technologies, communication and telecommunication systems on transport.

Russian and English with translation.
15.08.2002 - first information message;
15.10.2002 - registration form and abstract;
15.12.2002 - confirmation of preliminary participation;
15.04.2003 - submission of papers and registration fee;
15.06.2003 - notification of acceptance and proceedings publishing.
The Rostov State University of Transport Communication
Authors are invited to send Registration forms and Abstracts to the Organizing Committee by 15.10.2002.
Address: Myasnikova Nina Alekseevna
”Mechtribotrans-2003”, RGUPS
sq. Narodnogo Opolcheniya 2,
Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344038
E-mail:mtt@rgups.ru , or
Tel.: (+7 8632) 726-349
Fax: (+7 8632) 45-06-13
Further information on the Congress can be found at page: www.mtt.rgups.ru.
Registration Form of a participant is filled in the same way as the one of author.

Vice President ofthe RAS, acad. V. V. Kozlov
Academician-secretary ofthe RAS V.E. Fortov
Deputy Chairmen:
acad. RAS D.M Klimov
acad. RAS E.A. Fedosov
acad. RAS K. V. Frolov
corr. memb. RAS V.I. Kolesnikov
Scientific secretary: dr. M.A. Bronovets
acad. RAS V.S. Avduevskii
acad. RAS N.A. Anfimov
acad. RAS V.A, Babeshko
acad. RAS V.V. Bolotin
acad. RAS R.F. Ganiev
acad. RAS K. S. Kolesnikov
acad. RAS A.B. Kurzhanskii
acad. RAS V.M.Matrosov
acad. RAS F.M. Mitenkov
acad. RAS N.F. Morozov
acad. RAS G.V. Novozhilov
acad. RAS V.E. Panin
acad. RAS V.M. Pashin
acad. RAS V.G. Peshekhonov
acad. RAS I.D. Spasskii
acad. RAS M.N. Tishehenko
acad. RAS O.N. Favorskii
acad. RAS F.L. Chernousko
acad. RAS G.G. Chorny
acad. RAS A.G. Shipynov
acad. RAS V.P. Shorin
dr. R. Bassani (Italy)
dr. W. Bartz (Germany)
dr. A. Gerve (Germany)
dr. F. Franek (Austria)
dr. B. Jacobson (Sweden)
dr. K.L. Johnson (Great Britain)
dr. K. Holmberg (Finland)
dr. K. Kato (Japan)
dr. J. Larsen-Basse (USA)
dr. T. Mathia (France)
dr. J..P. Pascal (France)
dr. S. Pytko (Poland)
dr. W. Schiehien (Germany)
dr. Xie Uou Bai (China)
corr. memb. RAS V.I. Kolesnikov
corr. memb. RAS I.G. Goryacheva
gen. director «Rostvertol» B.N. Slyusar
cor. memb. RAS B.V. Gusev
corr. memb. RAS V.G.Inozemcev
corr. memb. RAS N.A. Mahoutov
prof. N.A. Boushe
prof. D.N. Garkunoy
prof. Ju.N. Drozdov
prof. V.J. ICershenbaum
prof A.L. Lisitsyn
prof. Ju.M. Louzhnov
prof. N.K.. Myshkin
prof. Ju.M. Pleskachevskii
prof. V.K. Homeriki
prof. A.V. Chichinadze
prof. A.N. Guda
prof. Jevdokimov
prof. I.M. Elmanov
prof. A.A. Zarifyan
dr. P.G. Ivanochkin
prof. I.A. Maiba
dr. N.A. Myasnikova.
dr. A.V. Okhotnikov
dr. V.M. Prihodko
dr. A.V. Chelokhyan
prof. P.N. Shcherbak




XXVI Jesienna Szkoła Tribologiczna

September 16 do 19, 2003
Nidzica, PL
15.02.2003 - Termin nadsyłania zgłoszenia wstępnego i streszczenia referatu
28.02.2003 - Drugi komunikat powiadamiający o przyjęciu referatu
23.05.2003 - Termin nadsyłania pełnego tekstu referatu
20.06.2003 - Ostateczny termin nadsyłania poprawionego tekstu referatu

VI Konferencja


Konferencja odbędzie się w Niedzicy, w dniach 16-19 września 2003r.


XXVI Szkoła Tribologiczna nt.: Problemy Tribologiczne w Przyrodzie i Technice została połączona z VI Konferencją nt.: Problemy Niekonwencjonalnych Układów Łożyskowych. Każda z tych konferencji będzie miała odrębne sesje.

Konferencja odbędzie się w Ośrodku Hotelowo - Turystycznym nad jeziorem Czorsztyńskim w Niedzicy, w dniach 16 - 19 września 2003.

W ramach przygotowywanej konferencji organizatorzy pragną połączyć tematykę wynikającą z biotribologii z projektami, aplikacjami, problemami eksploatacyjnymi, badaniami modelowymi i użytkowymi węzłów tribologicznych obiektów technicznych. Dla pełnej realizacji zamierzonego celu pragniemy zwrócić się do wybranych specjalistów o opracowanie referatów wprowadzających poszczególne sesje.

Przewidujemy referaty o tematyce:
biotribologia i aplikacje medyczne,
nowoczesne materiały,
problemy technologiczne,
konstrukcje przyjazne dla środowiska,
badania modelowe i użytkowe,
kierunki badań w przyszłości.


15.02.2003     Termin nadsyłania zgłoszenia wstępnego i streszczenia referatów (maksymalnie jedna strona formatu A4). Adres e-mail.

28.02.2003     Drugi komunikat powiadamiający o przyjęciu referatu, wytyczne do opracowania referatu.

23.05.2003     Termin nadsyłania pełnego tekstu referatu. Referaty mogą być napisane w języku polskim lub angielskim. W przypadku opracowania tekstu w języku angielskim niezbędne jest dołączenie obszernego streszczenia w języku polskim. Referaty opracowane w języku polskim powinny zawierać streszczenia w języku angielskim i rosyjskim. Przewiduje się drukowanie nadesłanych referatów w Materiałach Konferencyjnych, Tribologii, Zeszytach Naukowych Politechniki Łódzkiej i kwartalniku ZEM.

20.06.2003     Ostateczny termin nadsyłania poprawionego tekstu referatu.

16.09.2003     XXVI Szkoła Tribologiczna

Koszt uczestnictwa wynosi:
wpłata do 17 maja
-    1100 zł. - pełny koszt uczestnictwa
-     900 zł. - koszt uczestnictwa dla studentów i emerytowanych pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych
wpłata po 17 maja
-    1300 zł. - pełny koszt uczestnictwa
-    1000 zł. - koszt uczestnictwa dla studentów i emerytowanych pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych

20.06.2003 Nieprzekraczalny termin nadsyłania opłat za uczestnictwo w konferencji.


Zakład Geometrii Wykreślnej i Rysunku Technicznego
Instytutu Konstrukcji Maszyn Politechniki Łódzkiej
ul. B. Stefanowskiego 1/15
90-924 Łódź
tel. (042) 631 22 49
fax (042) 631 22 52
e-mail: zgwirt@mail.p.lodz.pl

Komitet Honorowy Konferencji:

prof. Jan Krysiński - Politechnika Łódzka
prof. Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
prof. Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
prof. Stanisław Pytko - AGH Kraków
prof. Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Politechnika Poznańska

Komitet Organizacyjny Konferencji:

Przewodniczący - Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
Radosław Bednarek - Politechnika Łódzka
Mirosława Ciepielewska - Politechnika Łódzka
Krzysztof Siczek - Politechnika Łódzka
Anna Sławińska - Politechnika Łódzka
Bogdan Warda - Politechnika Łódzka
Piotr Witosławski - Politechnika Łódzka

Komitet Naukowy Konferencji:
Przewodniczący - Jan Burcan - Politechnika Łódzka
Tadeusz Burakowski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Czesław Cempel - Politechnika Poznańska
Janusz Cwanek - AR Rzeszów
Jan Czajgucki - Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia
Ryszard Czarny - Politechnika Wrocławska
Jan Dąbrowski - Politechnika Białostocka
Antoni Dziama - Politechnika Wrocławska
Monika Gierzyńska-Dolna - Politechnika Częstochowska
Karol Grudziński - Politechnika Szczecińska
Zdzisław Haś- Politechnika Łódzka
Janusz Janecki - WITPiS Sulejówek
Czesław Kajdas - Politechnika Warszawska
Wiesław Kaniewski - Politechnika Łódzka
Jan Kiciński - IMP PAN
Mieczysław Korzyński - Politechnika Rzeszowska
Czesław Koziarski - Politechnika Wrocławska
Piotr Kula - Politechnika Łódzka
Andrzej Kulczycki - Centralne Laboratorium Naftowe
Stanisław Laber - Politechnika Zielonogórska
Zbigniew Lawrowski - Politechnika Wrocławska
Wiesław Leszek - Politechnika Poznańska
Jerzy Łunarski - Politechnika Rzeszowska
Ryszard Marczak - Politechnika Radomska
Karol Nadolny - Politechnika Poznańska
Antoni Neyman - Politechnika Gdańska
Waldemar Oleksiuk - Politechnika Warszawska
Olgierd Olszewski - Politechnika Gdańska
Stanisław Płaza - Uniwersytet Łódzki
Stanisław Pytko - AGH Kraków
Andrzej Raczyński - Politechnika Łódzka
Zygmunt Rymuza - Politechnika Warszawska
Jan Sadowski - Politechnika Radomska
Jan K. Senatorski - Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Jacek Stupnicki - Politechnika Warszawska
Józef Szala - ATR Bydgoszcz
Marian Szczerek - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Jerzy Szumniak - WITPiS Sulejówek
Stanisław F. Ścieszka - Politechnika Śląska
Włodzimierz Świderski - Politechnika Łódzka
Włodzimierz Waligóra - Politechnika Poznańska
Wojciech Wieleba - Politechnika Wrocławska
Krzysztof Wierzcholski - Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia
Marek Wiśniewski - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Bolesław Wojciechowicz - Politechnika Poznańska
Wiesław Zwierzycki - Politechnika Poznańska


September 22-25, 2003
Churchill College, Cambridge, UK
Conference Themes
  • Abrasion and erosion by solid particles, liquid impact or cavitation
  • Theory and modelling, including CFD
  • Experimental methods and standardisation of tests
  • Mechanisms of erosive wear and material damage
  • Case studies of practical examples
  • Applications of abrasion or erosion in processing and manufacturing
  • Abrasion and erosion of metals, plastics, ceramics, cermets, composites and biomaterials
  • Wear-corrosion interactions and synergies
  • Abrasion, erosion or erosion-corrosion resistant coatings and surface modification, including erosion of thermal barrier coatings
  • Damage to optical materials and sensor windows
  • Wear in nano- and micro-scale systems (NEMS and MEMS)
  • Sensing and monitoring
  • Related topics in tribology


    23 - 25 September 2003
    Poland, Warsaw, „Europejski” Hotel
    Deadline: for papers should be elaborated according to the enclosed typing instruction by 31.03.2003
    e-mail: inte@imp.edu.pl
    Honorary Patronage
    Ministry of Economy
    International Scientific Committe
    International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering
    prof. A. Nakonieczny (Poland) - the Chairman
    prof. T. Bell (England}
    prof. L. Berkowski (Poland)
    prof. T. Burakowski (Poland)
    prof. L. Druga (Rumania)
    prof. D. Fan (China)
    prof. J. Flis (Poland)
    prof. M. Gantois (France)
    prof. S. Gerasimov (Russia)
    prof. J. Grosch (Germany)
    prof. Z. Haś (Poland)
    prof. M. Hetmańczyk (Poland)
    prof. L. Jeziorski (Poland)
    prof. J. Kaczmarek (Poland)
    prof. T. Karpiński (Poland)
    prof. G. Kodżaspirov ((Russia)
    prof. Z. Kolozsvary (Rumania)
    prof. M. Korwin (Canada)
    prof. P. Kula (Poland)
    prof. J. Kusiński (Poland)
    prof. C. Leroux (France)
    prof. A. Maciejny (Poland)
    prof. P. Mayr (Germany)
    prof. E. Mittemeijer (Germany)
    prof. K. Oczoś (Poland)
    prof. V. Pokhmurskii (Ukraine)
    prof. W. Precht (Poland)
    prof. W. Przetakiewicz (Poland)
    prof. Z. Rogalski (Poland)
    prof. E. Roliński (USA)
    prof. J. Senatorski (Poland)
    prof. O. Sirotkin (Russia)
    prof. D. Slovetsky (Russia)
    prof. B. Smouan (Croatia)
    prof. T. Sobusiak (Poland)
    prof. H. Spies (Germany)
    prof. J. Tacikowski (Poland)
    prof. W. Tilipalov (Russia)
    prof. G. Totten (USA)
    prof. S. Watanabe (Japan)
    prof. J. Tymowski (Canada)
    prof. T. Wierzchoń (Poland)
    prof. S. Wojciechowski (Poland)
    prof. R. Wooo (England)
    prof. M. Wysiecki (Poland)

    The Sponsor
    The State Committee for Scientific Research
    The Chairman of the Seminar
    prof. A. Nakonieczny
    Poland, Warsaw, „Europejski” Hotel
    23 - 25 September 2003
    Presentation and exchange of latest scientific achievements with indication on possibilities oftheir application in the industrial practice
    Modeling and simulation of processes and layers, thermodynamics and kinetics of processes
    Nitriding technologies
    Gas, ion fluid bed, bath nitriding
    Cyaniding, oxy-nitriding, sulfo-nitriding, nitrocarburizing
    Runs, requirements and control of products
    Nitriding of various materials
    Steels, cast irons, Ti and Al alloys, etc.
    Industrial equipment
    Gas, iron, fluid bed, bath and auxiliary equipment
    Industrial processes
    Nitriding of machine parts and tools and preliminary processes
    Ecology of processes
    Control and monitoring of processes
    Control of nitrogen and other elements potentials
    Analyzers, detectors and probes
    Control and monitoring of processes with utiiization of computer techniques
    Complex, combined, joint and duplex technologies
    Nitriding and PVD, PACVD techniques, nitriding-hardening, nitriding-implantation, electrolytic coatings-nitriding, etc.
    Formation and properties of layers
    Structure, concentration of elements, phase composition, thickness, tribological, strength and anticorrosion properties
    Nitriding steels and their properties
    Trends - the present state and perspectives of:
    Processes and equipment
    Modeling and control
    Industrial implementation
    only in English language
    papers should be elaborated according to the enclosed typing instruction by 31.03.2003
    PAPERS            INSTRUCTION 1            INSTRUCTION 2


    participants may pick up their packets at the Seminar Registration Desk
    Plenary sessions
    Fair/Exhibition of technology, materials, equipment, and control and measurement apparatus
    Arival of participants of Seminar
    Meeting of the International Scientific Committee (05.00 p.m., „Europejski” Hotel)
    09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Registration of participants and distribution of the Seminar materials
    11.00 a.m. Opening of the Seminar
    11.15 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. Lectures
    12.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Coffee Break
    12.30 p.m. - 02.30 p.m. Lectures
    02.30 p.m. - 05.00 p.m. Visiting the Fair/Exhibition
    07.00 p.m. D i n n e r
    09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Lectures
    11.00a.rn. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee Break
    11.30 a.m. - 01.30 p.m. Lectures
    01.30 p.m. - 03.30 p.m. Visiting the Fair/Exhibition
    05.00 p.m. - 08.00 p.m. Warsaw signtseeing
    09.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Lectures
    11.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Coffee Break
    11.30 a.m. - 01.30 p.m. Lectures and closing ceremony
    will be sent to the participants of Seminar by 15.06.2003
    on participanfs account (for information about hotel accommodation, please see attached list of the hotels in Warsaw and its location)
    should be sent at the address of the Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej by 31.03.2003
    registration fee 550 EURO (one persons)
    registration fee had been transferred on account of Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej:
    Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy S.A. III O/Warszawa,
    no 10601057-320000413311,
    with indication „Seminar” up to 31.07.2003. The registration fee is accepted only as bank transfer
    exhibitors of the Fair/Exhibition should sent preliminary application form by 31.12.2002
    Sincerely yours
    Professor Dr. Aleksander Nakonieczny
    Director of the Institute of Precision Mechanics
    Chairman of the Seminar
    For further information, please contact:
    Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
    Duchnicka 5, 01-796 Warszawa, Poland
    tel. (48-22) 663 43 35. fax (48-22) 663 43 17
    e-mail: inte@imp.edu.pl


    September 24-26, 2003
    San Sebastián, Spain

    The areas listed below are expected to be the major themes for the Symposium. Papers covering these areas are specifically encouraged, though all abstracts submitted will be given due consideration.

    Mechanisms Design, Analysis and Hardware

    • Descriptions of novel and challenging designs
    • New methods for design, analysis and verification of mechanisms.
    • Design Guidelines, high reliability.
    • Design/manufacturing/verification for high-volume production.
    • Design for disturbance attenuation, low shock, low noise performance.

    Components/Equipment, Micro/Nano devices

    • Motors, actuators, transmission devices, bearings.
    • Hold-down/release, deployment, pointing, scanning, high-precision devices.
    • Wheels, mechanical coolers, pumps, valves, solar array drive mechanisms, etc.
    • Sensors, miniaturisation of space mechanisms, MEMS, micro/nano developments.

    Tribology and Materials

    • Lubricants and lubrication for bearings, gears, joints, electrical contacts.
    • Application of smart materials in mechanisms.
    • Extreme temperatures, environments, and operating conditions.
    • New tribo-materials and/or surface modification, micro/nano tribology.
    Launch Vehicles
    • Separation systems, engine/propulsion regulation, gimballing devices.
    • Turbopumps, cryogenic tribology.
    In-Orbit Performance and Post-Flown Investigations
    • Experience with flight hardware, including reports on in-flight mechanism performance and anomalies, lessons learned.
    • Post-flown investigation of mechanisms and tribological components.
    Science Observatories, Earth Remote Sensing, and Planetary Exploration Mechanisms
    • Mechanisms for manipulations, robots, rovers.
    • Sampling systems and in-situ analysis devices.
    • Mechanical devices for science and remote sensing instruments.
    Space Platforms, Tethers, Re-entry Vehicle Mechanisms
    • Mechanisms for re-entry vehicles and the International Space Station.
    • Long-term mechanism operation and maintenance in space.
    Oral or poster presentations may be accompanied by the demonstration of novel mechanisms and products.

    October 2003

    October 5-10, 2003
    Berlin, Germany
    Deadline for abstract: December 1, 2002
    • Adhesion
    • Depth profiling
    • Materials for batteries
    • Polymers
    • Tribology
    • Biomaterials
    • Environmental studies
    • Metals
    • Magnetic materials
    • Catalytic materials
    • Glass and ceramics
    • Micro- and optoelectronics
    • Solid-liquid interface
    • Composite materials
    • Heritage conservation
    • Nanoindentation
    • Corrosion
    • Imaging
    • Oxidation
    • Oxide surfaces
    • Thin films & coatings (inorganic)
    • Thin films & coatings (organic)


    October 15-18, 2003
    Badajoz, Spain
    Deadline for abstract: March 24, 2003
  • Surface and Interface Science
  • Physical and Biophysical chemistry
  • Nano-sciences and Technologies
  • Imaging Techniques
  • Engineering Physics
  • Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Physics, Health Physics
  • Environmental Physics
  • Biomechanics
  • Computational Physics
  • Applied Solid State and Materials Science
  • Non-linear Physics
  • Instrumentation, Metrology, Certification...
  • Accoustics
  • Industrial Physics
  • Applied Optics
  • Opto-electronics
  • Industrial Physics
  • Physics and Information Sciences and technologies, Quantum Information Sciences
  • Nuclear Sciences, Radioactivity, Radiochemistry...
  • Semiconductors devices and Photonics
  • Applied Aero-Space Physics/Engineering
  • Biomagnetism

    I M S ` 2003
    IMS 2003 Intelligence Maintenance System

    October 25-27, China
    Xi`an, China
    The Conference solicits papers (but not limited) in the folIowing areas:
    * Application ofinformation science in maintenance science
    * Artificial intelligence approaches in maintenance techniques
    * Monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance based-on network
    * New-type transducers and sensing technology
    * Signal processing and diagnostic feature extraction
    * Integration and fusion of information
    * Assessment on equipment performance decline
    * Forecast of equipment running condition and predict maintenance
    * Monitorable and maintainable design
    * Maintenance management, organization and decision making
    * Tribology in maintenance
    * Education and training
    Hosting Organization
    Xi'an Jiaotong University
    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

    Assisting Organizations
    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    Tsinghua University

    The next STLE/ASME International joint Conference

    October 26th-29th, 2003
    Sawgrass Marriott Resort and Beach Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

    The next STLE/ASME International joint Conference will be held October 26th-29th, 2003 at the Sawgrass Marriott Resort and Beach Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

    You are invited to submit an abstract of your papers for this important meeting to www.asme.org/conf/trib03

    For further information contact www.stle.org

    November 2003

    December 2003

    January 2004

    Tribology and Lubrication Engineering
    January 13 – 15, 2004
    Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany

      Main Subjects
    • Scientific Session: Additive Mechanism of Effectiveness, Hydrodynamic,
    • Elastohydrodynamic, and Mixed Film Lubrication Processes and Mechanisms
    • Calculation and Designing of Tribocontacts (Journal and Roller Bearings, Silder Gearing, Cam/Tappet-Systems etc. Including Lubricant Properties)
    • Special Aspects of Tribology
    • For-Life-Lubrication
    • Friction and Wear
    • Base Oils for High Performance Lubricants
    • Mineral Oils and Synthetic Fluids
    • Additive Developments and Technology
    • Solid Lubricants and Their Application
    • Lubricating Greases
    • Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants
    • Lubrication of Roller and Journal Bearings
    • Lubrication of lndustrial Gears, Compressors, and Refrigeration Compressors
    • General Application of Lubricants in Industry, Forestry, and Agriculture
    • Hydraulic Fluids and Seals
    • Metal Working and Metal Forming Lubrication and Lubricants
    • Tribological Behaviour of Materials
    • Lubricants for Automobile Gears, Transaxles, and ATFs
    • Engine Oils and Lubrication
    • Tribotesting and Evaluation
    • Classification and Standardization of Lubricants
    • Analyses, Recovery, Rerefining, and Disposal of Used Oil
    • Health and Environment Aspects, Laws, and Regulations

    Technische Akademie Esslingen
    Colloquium Secretary TribologyTelephone: (+49-711) 3 40 08 12
    Postfach 12 65Telefax: (+49-711) 3 40 08 43
    D-73748 OstfildernE-Mail: Renate.Pfeiffer@tae.de

    January 2004

    February 2004

    March 2004



    "TRIBOLOGY 2004"
    8th International Tribology Conference
    Understanding Friction, Lubrication and Wear
    24th - 26th March 2004
    University of Pretoria, South Africa

    The main aim of the Conference is to provide participants with an opportunity to present their work and to exchange ideas and results, and to meet people with similar tribological interests.


    Experimental, theoretical and case studies on the following topics can be submitted:

    • Industrial Tribology - Problems and Solutions
    • Lubricants Testing and Condition Monitoring
    • Wear Processes and Tribology of Materials
    • EHD, Boundary and Fluid Film Lubrication
    • Machine Elements
    • Tribology and the Environment
    The official language of the conference is English.

    For further details please contact:
    Mrs Gillian Fuller
    PO Box 1240
    Kelvin 2054
    South Africa

    Tel: +27-11-802-5145
    Fax: +27-11-804-3484 or 804-4972
    Email: secretary@sait.org.za
    Website: www.sait.org.za

    Last modification: 13 May 2003 19:31    |   JureK.

  • | PTT | O nas | Kontakt | Zebrania Zarządu | Uchwały Zarządu |
    | Co nowego | Statut | Deklaracja członkowska | Regulaminy | Zjazd 2002 |
    | Konferencje | Tribologia |
    | Poczta |